Chapter 27 (Rose)

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I feel really bad for rejecting Issa, so I text him multiple times saying that I'm sorry. He doesn't answer. Maybe he's asleep.
On Instagram, I post a selfie of me and Issa with no caption, because what do I say? "Had a nice date with you"? No. Speaking of Instagram, Issa now follows me, and everyone that follows me is freaking out.
I already have my lights off and I'm just doing whatever on my phone. Maybe I should go check on him. But that would be pervy, would it?
I get up in the dark and grope my way towards the door that separates our rooms.
Slowly, I open the door to hear crying.
Is that Issa? There's this little black blob shaking and sobbing in bed.
"Issa?" I whisper.
"Rose," he mutters.
"What's wrong? I'm really sorry I did that. I'm so stupid."
"It's not your fault," he replies. "I was the one who made the move on you. You're still a kid. What am I thinking?"
This time I don't get angry when he calls me a kid, because I know it's true.
I stay silent and listen to him cry.
"Should I leave? I don't deserve to come with you to the meetup."
"No, come," Issa reaches over to his bedside away from me and switches on the light, and turns to face me. His eyes are red from tears. "I want a friend to be there."
I smile. "Thanks. It really means a lot to me."
I start to leave but Issa stops me. "Wait."
"Yeah?" I turn towards him with my hand on the door.
"Can you..." Issa hesitates, blushing. "Sleep with me?"
I face reddens, like, hardcore and I feel dizzy for a moment.
He wants me to sleep with him??? And not like sex sleeping, but sleeping in the same bed it's even better though.
"Uh, s-sure." I smile again and climb into the bed with him, curling up beside him. I place my phone on the nightstand on my side and pull the covers over me.
Issa switches off the light.
Literally seconds before I drift off to sleep, I feel something pull me into a hug.
Me being half-asleep, I think it's totally normal, and I fall asleep.

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