Chapter 29 (Rose)

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Ughhhh, I'm so embarrassseedddd!!
I can't believe I just went in and asked for a pair of underwear to borrow!!
I go inside the bathroom and take a shower. Thank god all hotels offer shampoo and conditioner.
I don't have a comb or brush or anything, so I just wrap a towel around my head and keep it that way. I'll take it off when my hair dries.
When I get out, I'm dressed in the jeans from yesterday, Issa shirt, his UNDERWEARRRR and socks from yesterday.
I go over to his room to find him scrolling through stuff in his phone. He notices me, and hastily covers his phone.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, suspicious. He giggles.
"You look so weird with that on your head!" He yells. "I gotta put this on snapchat!"
Before I know it, Issa's recording me.
"No!" I jump towards him like a cheetah and try to grab his phone. But he raises his arm out of my reach, so I can't get it.
He laughs. "And...add to story." Issa grins. "All my fans are gonna see you like this."
"Argh!" I growl and rip the towel from my head, only to reveal a mass of tangled wet hair. Issa laughs even more.
"I got a brush," he tells me, still laughing, "you can use it."
I give him a grateful look. "Oh thank you, Jesus." And take the comb from his hands, run over to his bathroom, and start to do my hair. 10 minutes later I come out and Issa's waiting for me.
"We gotta go," he says. "It's 10. We should get going."
I nod. "Sure. But I don't know where it is."
"I can drive," Issa replies. "I know where it is."
I smile. "Ok."

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