Chapter 16 (Issa)

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We both get into Rose's car, Rose in the passenger's seat, me in the driver's seat. She's gonna tell me where to go.
I start the car and start to drive away from the Starbucks.
"Turn right," Rose says as I get to the end of the street.
"So when did you get your driver's license?" I ask her.
"Maybe about a month ago." Rose doesn't look at me, she just looks out the window.
"Are you still embarrassed about what you said?" I say.
"But you don't know what I said, right?" Rose still doesn't look at me.
I do know what she said. But I don't tell her. "No," I say quickly.
"Sorry," Rose tells me. "I'm just embarrassed because I just meet my idol, and of course I do something weird and creepy to make things awkward." She smiles sadly at me.
"No no, it's ok, really," I assure her.
"Thanks." She smiles again, but excitedly. "I'm just so excited to have met you!"
I smile back at her.
We talk a little more, Rose tells me the directions to the Central Park, and when we get there, I park under a shady tree. We get out of the car and I say, "Are you gonna drive on the way back or should I?"
Rose hesitates. "I guess I could, if you don't want to."
"No, no," I tell her, "I don't care, whatever's comfortable for you."
"All right then." Rose takes the car keys from my hand and smiles. "Let's take a walk."

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