Chapter 25 (Rose)

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One second Issa and I are talking like normal friends, the next thing I know he has me pressed up against the wall of my room.
"What?" I say, because I have nothing else to say. "We"
I'm so frickin stupid I don't know what to say. He's basically forcing me to make eye contact with him, but I can't. I just look down.
"Issa, what are you doing?" I ask him.
Issa stop and loosens his grip on me.
"Um, I don't..." He blushes and runs to his room, slamming the door.
What did I do to anger him? He's the one who made a move on me.
You know what? I'm just taking for granted, me spending time with him. I should be grateful. Almost no girls would be able to spend time with their celebrity crush, and almost be kissed by him!!! Now I'm mad. I jump onto my bed, face down, and scream into my pillow. I'm such an idiot, God.
But to the bright side, maybe it's good that I denied him? I mean, he's an adult. It's illegal. Maybe I should wait. But then he'll move on.
What do I do?

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