Chapter 36 (Issa)

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To make a long story short, I kissed Rose.
She was very surprised when I pulled away, but not disgusted. I take that as a good sign.
When I get back to my room, I open my laptop and re-watch Rose's YouTube video about a hundred more times, so many times that I could probably write down everything that we said.
After I finally finish watching the video, I decide to snapchat Rose.
"what are u doing?" I snap.
A couple minutes later she responds, "hw. Hbu?"
"watching PLL", I lie, because I can't tell her that I've been creepy and re-watching her video so many times.
"What episode?" She snaps.
"Season 6 episode 12," I say, just saying  some random episode of it.
"Cool," she responds.
We snap until about midnight, when she tells me she has to go to bed because she has a test tomorrow, and I say ok.
I snapchat my random stuff and watch my story of us together, smiling while doing so.
Is this what being in love feels like?
I guess so.
I go sleep, well, at least try to go to sleep, with a faint smile on my face and thinking about Rose.


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