Chapter 5 (Rose)

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I finally finish my homework, and I immediately grab my phone from where it was charging. It's at 100%, and I have 3 new messages from Issa. One is his picture of him holding up 3 fingers???? I can't believe it. Is he really real?? The other two messages say, "hello??" And "ok sorry im ugly"
1, he is totally not ugly!! And 2, what do I say??? I'm just gonna send him a pic of me, since I guess that he's real??
I take out my ponytail, whip it around a little bit so I'll look cute, turn on the camera, hold up 3 fingers, and take a selfie. I think that it turned out pretty good. On the first try. I think that today's a good day. I send the selfie to Issa with a caption that says, "srry I didn't txt back was doin hw. heres my pic"
He didn't text back.
Did I do something wrong? I place my phone back onto the counter and pour myself a glass of juice. I take the juice to the living room and plop down onto the couch, switching the TV on and turning on my favorite show, Pretty Little Liars. I really like it, but when is A gonna reveal herself already?! I think that A is a girl.
And I start watching.

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