Chapter 15 (Rose)

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"Girl, I heard you say something."
Crap, what if he thinks I'm some crazy fan and he'll want to stop being my friend?
"Um," I say awkwardly. Then I blush. I can tell because I feel my face getting hot. So I take a sip of the tea, grateful to have something to cover my face.
"Can we just drop it?" I snap all of a sudden. "I know what I said was kind of creepy, and you must think I'm some crazy fan."
"No," Issa replies. "I'm asking you because I don't know what you said, and I wanted to know what you said, but if what you said was creepy, then I understand. After all, I love Jack Gilinsky."
I try to laugh in return, but all that comes out is a weird scoff. Issa looks at me with concern and finishes off his coffee.
"So where do you want to go next?" Issa asks me.
"The park? We could take a walk," I reply, happy for the change of subject.
"Sure, that would be fun."

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