Chapter 24 (Issa)

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Rose drives us to the hotel and we enter. She sits down at a couch in the lobby and I go to the receptionist so I can get a room for rose to sleep in for a night. She gives me a room right next to my room, and Rose and I set off upstairs. I borrow her some of my clothes to sleep in, and we split up.
When I get to my room, I text all of my friends that I just finished a date successfully! They were all happy for me, so that's good, I guess.
As I get into bed, I hear giggling and talking from next door, so I'm guessing that's Rose.
I get up in my pajamas and open the door to Rose's room from my room without knocking to find her FaceTiming someone. She looks at me and says, "Ok, Amber, this is the guy I had a date with."
Rose points the front camera of her phone to me and I find myself staring at a brunette, who is probably Rose's friend. She starts squealing.
"Ohmigod! You're twaimz!! I love your videos, they give me life, you're amazing!!! OMG Rose I  can't believe you had a date with a celebrity!!! I'm so happy for you!! OHMIGOD should I tell the others?!!!?!"
Before I can say anything, Rose gives me a look that says, I gotchu fam, and says, "Nah, let's keep it a secret between us, please don't tell the girls. Princess Swear?"
"I solemnly Princess Swear," Amber says, placing a hand over her heart. "But I'm so happy for you!!!
"Thanks, boo. I'm gonna call you tomorrow, ok? I'm gonna put everything that happens on snapchat."
"You better," Amber teases and they hang up.
"Thanks for not telling the whole world," I tell Rose.
"No prob," she answers, "but next time you come into my room, can you please knock? I might be naked or something, I don't know. No offense, though."
As soon as Rose says the word, "naked" she blushes, immediately regretting saying that. I hope that I'm not blushing and say, "None taken."
Rose smiles. "Thanks. So you came here to say...?"
"That I had an amazing night," I say. "I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did, too."
"I did. It was so nice meeting you!"
"Nice meeting you too." Before I know it, I'm across the room, and I'm pressing Rose against the wall.

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