Chapter 31 (Rose)

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We're already inside the building, Issa signed in, and now we're in this room where we sit down at a table and sip coffees.
"I'm really sorry about last night," I tell him sincerely, hiding my face with the coffee cup.
Issa doesn't smile or frown. He just keeps a straight face and replies, "It's fine, really. You don't have to apologize."
"But I feel really bad." I frown at myself. "It just never happened to me," I mutter under my breath.
"Yeah, I know how you feel," Issa says. "I've never had a girlfriend."
I blush. "Yeah I know. You said that in one of your videos."
"Speaking of videos, do you want to make one right now together?"
I look in Issa's eyes happily and grin. "Yes!"
"Ok." He reaches into this bag he was carrying on his shoulder that I never noticed before and pulls out a video camera. He switches it on and points the lens at the both of us.
Issa starts recording.
"Oh hey, my name is twaimz, and I'm here with my new BFFL, Rose!"
"Hey!" I smile at the camera.
Issa places the camera on the table and we sit down on the floor before it.
"What to we do for this video?" I ask.
"Um, I donno. I can do an ask twaimz video, I guess."
Issa whips out his phone and goes onto Twitter, tweeting for people to do #asktwaimz. After a couple of minutes, replies start rolling in, and Issa says, "Ok, so the first question is, 'how did you and Rose meet?'
"Well, I accidentally texted her, thinking she was my mom, and we started to chat, and then FaceTiming, and now we're here!" Issa leans over and hugs me. I hug him back.
"What's the next one?" I say.
"Um," Issa scrolls on the screen. "Some really weird ass questions. Oh my god, that's weird as heeecckkkk."
"What is it?" I lean towards his phone and see a glimpse of what the person said.
"Did you and Rose...u 'it'?" It said.
"Oh hell no!" I screech and hide my face. Issa laughs.
"No, we're not gonna do that one."
After about 10 minutes, we finish the video and Issa tucks the camera back into his bag.
"I'm gonna edit it when I get to the hotel," he tells me and I nod.
"When are you leaving?" I ask Issa as we sit back down at the table.
"At the end of the week," he answers, smiling. I smile back and look down at my empty cup.
"I need to go to school tomorrow," I add. "I can't miss anything for long."
"I understand." Issa leans back against his chair.
"But I can come back Wednesday," I finish. "I have work tomorrow, so I need to be there, but I have Wednesday free."
"Great!" Issa claps his hands together. "I'll have the video edited by then."
I grin at him. But then the grin disappears form my face. "But what about the meetup?"
"Oh crap." Issa looks at the time on his phone. "We still have 10 more minutes. It's ok."
I smile again gratefully. "Great. Then let's go."

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