Chapter 11 (Rose)

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On my way home, I stop by at Starbucks to buy myself an iced coffee. As I get in my car, place the coffee in the car cup, and start to drive home, I start to laugh. I can't believe that guy said that everything's going to be ok, just because I bought pads and cookies. It's normal to have your period. It's not the end of the world or anything.
When I get home, I see that I have one new text message from Issa. I put him in my contacts so I know that it's him. "u bought everything u needed?"
"yea" I text back. "how was the meetup?"
Issa texts back after a while. "it was really fun. u should come to one of my meet n greets"
"i really want 2, but it could b far away from where i live"
"ny, right?"
"i could have 1 of my meetups b in nyc bc a lot of ppl would come"
"rlly?! that would b awesome!!"
"dont thank me. want 2 facetime?"
"sure. now?"
Right as I get the text, Issa calls me on FaceTime. I pick up.
"Hi," I say, smiling. He's so cuteeeeee.
"Hey," he smiles back.
"So what do you mean that you're gonna come to NYC?"
"Well I really want to meet you, because frankly it's fun to have an Internet friend, and I want to become friends in real life."
Did he just say that? To hide me looking happy and surprised at the same time, I say, "Really? Me too. It's just that, I love you and your videos soooo much, I think you're really funny and nice."
"Aw, thanks." Issa smiles again.
"So when do you think you're coming to New York?"
"I don't know. First I need to get tickets for a plane, or train, and then I have to notify everyone that a meetup's gonna be in New York City, and then I have to notify my family, pack up...with all of that that I have to do, it would have to be in maybe about a week?"
"Oh, that's fine," I say. "All that time will give me some time to get to know you."
"Right back at ya." Issa makes a llama with his hand.
I giggle and make the llama hand right back at him.
"So I guess I'll talk to you later?" Issa says.
"Sure." I smile again. "FaceTime?"
And we hang up.

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