Chapter 34 (Issa)

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On Thursday I take a walk and go to this coffee shop, grab a coffee, and buy one of those fried peanuts that people sell in the middle of the street. It's crowded as hell, but I'm having a good time, just being alone, and thinking about life. (A/N OK MEEE)
At about 1 in the afternoon when I'm just finishing up lunch, Rose texts me saying that she on her way to my hotel.
So I start walking towards it.
When I get there, she's already waiting for me. She's wearing a white t-shirt, black leggings, a sweatshirt, and white converse.
"Hey." She smiles, leaning against her car. On her shoulder is a little baby blue purse where she tucks the car keys in.
"Hey." I smile back and we immediately start walking without saying a word where we're even gonna go.
"How was work yesterday?" I ask. "Sorry, but I never asked where you work."
"Oh," Rose begins, "I work at Walmart. Isn't that a sucky job?" She laughs, but I stay silent.
"No, it's not. At least you're making money, right?"
Rose stops laughing. "Well, that's true, but it's just that some stupid girls at my school make fun of me for having a 'cheap-ass' job." Rose makes air quotes with her fingers and rolls her eyes.
"Do you get bullied?" I ask her quietly.
"Not really," Rose replies. "It's just, there are always those girls at every school, right?"
I nod. "Yeah. Right."
We make a turn on the sidewalk and before I know it, I'm grabbing Rose's hand.
I don't have to look her in the face to know that she blushed profusely.
Then she starts laughing.
Actually, it starts out with giggling, and then her laugh becomes louder and crazier until she's laughing hysterically.
Confused, I only laugh with her.
"What?" I ask her in between laughs.
"I'm just having so much fun," Rose answers. "I know that this date didn't even start yet, but I'm already enjoying myself."
"That's great." I grin at her and she beams at me.
"So where should we go?" She asks, changing the subject.
"I don't really know," I say and shrug, still holding on to Rose's hand. "We can just walk."
"That sounds awesome."
If you wouldn't think that Rose would smile any more, she did, with her face glowing as bright as the sun.
She looked so happy.

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