Chapter 41 (Rose)

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"Hey," I smile at Issa. "I miss you."
"I miss you too," Issa responds. His voice seems far away.
I run up to him and hug him tight. He kisses me on my head and I giggle.
"I have something really important to tell you." That's not Issa's voice. It's my voice. But I'm not saying anything.
I pull away to find myself staring, at, well, me.
"What?" I breath in shock.
"I have something important to tell you," not-me repeats.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Leave Issa."
"What!" I screech. "No way in hell! I love him, why should I?"
"Just hear me out," not-me continues. "He never told you that he loves you. Isn't that bad? And now he's away. He's a coward for not saying that he loves you before leaving."
"But I never told him that I love him either," I tell not-me.
"So it's not official. You aren't dating."
"But we're not serious yet!" I yell. "I don't want things to go too fast!"
"But how are you supposed to go further if Issa is on the other side of the country?"
I hesitate.
"See," not-me says, "you can't. That why when you wake up, you're going to FaceTime him and break up with him."
"Wait...this is a dream? I don't have to listen to you if this is a dream! You aren't real," I say.
"I am real," not-me presses. "I'm you. Don't you trust yourself?"
"I don't think I should," I snap.
"I'm saying you should do this for your own good," not-me pleads. "I don't want you to get hurt. Long-distance relationships are hard."
I don't say anything.
"Please," she says, "when you wake up, FaceTime Issa, saying that you're going to break up with him. He needs to move on to someone his age who lives nearby, and so do you. Why don't you try Lucas?"
I keep on staying silent.
Not-me sighs. "Please, just do this for you."
And she fades away.

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