Chapter 4 (Issa)

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I get to the airport for Washington, D.C. I do everything I have to, I check in, go through the security, and find my gate, sit down, relax. I update my snapchat saying that I'm at the airport. I text my mom saying that I'm already at the airport. Then I wait. My phone buzzes, and I pick it up, assuming that it's a text back from my mom.
"who is this?" it says. I'm confused for a moment, but then I realize that I must've sent the text to the wrong person.
"who is THIS?" I decide to text back, and get up to get myself a coffee.
When I get back, there's already a text back.
I sip my coffee and read it.
"my names rose" it says.
Rose is a weird name. Like, who names their kids after flowers? I shake it out of my head and type, "oh my names issa" I might as well let it out, this person might not even know who I am.
I get a text a couple of seconds later. "r u the youtuber?"
I text back, "yea" and sip my coffee some more.
Rose says, "can u send me a pic of u holding up 3 fingers? just to prove ur real"
I cringe at that text message, and look around the busy airport, hoping no one saw me. I decide to text back, "sure only if YOU send me a pic of u holding up 3 fingers"
I don't know why, but I can literally feel Rose on the other side of line sighing. She says, "idk man, if u don't send me a pic of u ur a complete stranger to me and i dont wanna risk anything"
I sigh and decide to send her a pic of me right now, holding up 3 fingers. I think I look super cute.
She doesn't text back.
"hello?" I decide to say.
She still doesn't text back.
"is something wrong?"
"ok im sorry im ugly"
She only texts back 30 minutes later, but I'm already in the plane and I can't do anything.

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