Chapter 19 (Rose)

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I sit in front of Issa while he's lies in bed. The doctor is gonna be here soon. I should stop panicking. It's not your fault, Rose, not your fault, just calm down.
I can't calm down.
Issa groans and rolls over and I immediately bark, "Are you ok?"
"Please don't yell," he mutters. "Turn off lights."
I nod feverishly and run around the room, looking for a light switch. When I find one, I flick it and the room becomes very dark. I hear Issa sigh with relief and I whine with worry.
"Oh my god when is he gonna be here??" I say.
I wait for a couple more minutes, tapping my foot repeatedly and chewing my fingernails until finally, finally, the doctor comes.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Juliette Harper, but you can call me Juliette. I can tell that Issa here is in a lot of pain, since the lights are off."
I nod at everything she says. "Please just tell me he's all right."
"It's probably just a concussion," Juliette replies. "You're going to have to take him home and make sure he stays in dark places and doesn't do anything that involves computers, television, anything with a screen. Bring him lots of water. Make sure he gets a lot of rest." I nod like 10 times.
"Issa, can you sit up for me?" Juliette asks Issa, and he reluctantly sits up in his bed, rubbing his head.
"I'm just going to take your temperature."
Juliette does all that normal checking up on Issa and I just sit off to the side, just doing my job, which is worrying.
Then suddenly Juliette turns to me with a very concerned look on her face.
"I'm so sorry," she tells me. I gasp and start crying.
"He has a brain tumor."

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