Chapter 45 (Issa)

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Another week has passed. I start to not leave my bed at all, even for my walks. I haven't posted a YouTube video in, like, two weeks, and I only get up to use the bathroom or get some food.
One day my mom comes in and literally shoves me out of bed, saying I need to get up and go on a walk. I yell at her, saying I'm trying to get over a break-up.
"Well you're not going to get over it anytime soon if you sit in bed all day alone with your thoughts," she says.
That's true, so I surrender and get up, take a shower, and dress in jeans and a (black) sweater. I grab my coat and my phone and leave my house, walking down the block.
Maybe I can go shopping? Shopping clears my head a lot.
So I sharply turn around and make way for the house, where I grab my car keys, and then I get into my car.

I drive to a shopping mall, and the first thing I do is get myself a cup of black, superstrong coffee to wake me up.
I sit down and sip on it for a little bit, pressing the home button to see if I have any new notifications.
There's one.
From Rose.
I almost spit out my coffee, choking on it slightly, drawing everyone's attention in the café. I wave my hand at them, gesturing that I'm fine, and they turn back to do whatever they're doing.
I turn my phone back on and read what Rose said.
"Hey, Issa! Long time no see. I'm in California right now, I was wondering if we could meet up..."

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