Chapter 37 (Rose)

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The next day at school in the morning while I take my stuff out of my locker and shut it, Lucas is standing there.
I jump startled, letting out a muffled, "eep".
"Hey," he says.
"Hi," I reply, standing there awkwardly. Why did he come to me? Why can't he go to Ruby instead?
"I broke up with Ruby," he tells me as if reading my mind.
"What?" My mouth opens in shock. Why didn't Ruby tell me?
"We broke up," Lucas repeats. "And I was thinking that I wanted to move on. So you want to go out sometime?"
I don't know what to say. I just stand there with my mouth open in awe. How can Lucas move on so fast? I didn't see Ruby yet, but why didn't she tell me over text? I need to help her.
"I'm...taken," I respond, massaging the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Hm? With whom?"
I kind of smirk a little, with Lucas speaking with perfect grammar an everything.
"His Issa."
"And how old is he?" Lucas won't stop pressing me.
"20. Why do you care?"
"Just wondering. So little Rose over here has a sugar daddy all along."
I blush deeply and yell, "I can love whoever I want! You can't tell me what to do!"
"I never commanded you to do anything." Lucas kind of steps back, surprised with my sudden shouting.
I blush even more and turn away. "Sorry," I mumble and walk away.
I can't believe I just did that.
But why did Lucas move on so quickly? Is he hiding something from Ruby?
I need to go find her.

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