Chapter 39 (Rose)

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"Miss Wheeler!" I hear someone yell from the front of the classroom. "Just what do you think you're doing!"
I look up to see Mrs. White, my history teacher, glaring at me with the entire class. I blush deeply and quietly slip my phone into my bag.
"Nothing," I mumble.
"It looked like you were texting!" Mrs. White strides over and looks down at me. I wiggle in my seat nervously.
"You are to take your phone out and read the last 3 texts with the person you were just texting."
I do as I'm told to do and take my phone out from the bag, switching it on and going to messages.
The last three messages for                  💖✨Issa✨💖 are:
"is she ok???"
"yes but her bf called u my sugar daddy is that weird"
I refuse to read them. Mrs. White narrows her eyes at me and snatches my phone out from my hands. I let out a tiny whimper.
She strolls to the front of the class and sits down on her desk, and she begins reading with me slowly shrinking back into my chair.
"'Is she ok?' Is who ok, Miss Wheeler."
"Ruby," I reply softly.
"What is her last name!"
"Alright." Mrs. White keeps on reading.
"'Yes but her B-F---?' What does that mean?"
"Boyfriend," someone from the front of the class pipes up.
"'Yes but her boyfriend called you my sugar daddy?' Now what does that mean?"
"It means some older boyfriend that buys you a lot of stuff for free," the same person says.
"'Is that weird?' 'Yes.' Alright, Miss Wheeler. The text messages weren't that bad, but I'm still confiscating your phone for the rest of the day."
I nod glumly, my face red from embarrassment.
I'm just glad that the class didn't laugh, they only gave me sympathetic looks, as if saying, don't worry, it happens.
And things do happen.

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