33| The Reveal

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Percy's POV

I awoke crammed in a box, my head hitting the top as I tried to sit up. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I tried to figure out where I was and what was going on. The last thing I remembered was...wait what happened? I racked my brain for anything about what happened before this, searching why I was in this box. However, I couldn't remember. My breath quickened at the thought, why couldn't I remember?

The last thing I have the faintest grip on is, was them. The seven demigods, or was it six? I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to control my breathing. Let's focus on the things that I did remember. Which was that my name is Percy and I'm the son of... Poseidon? I shake my head, no it was someone else. But who?

"Breathe Percy, you're alright" it whispered, it's voice circling around me, "you're safe now."

Suddenly, it was like the box I was in never existed. The floor beneath me was no longer there, causing me to drop to the ground. However, this room was completely dark, you couldn't tell when the floor ended and when the walls began. The only thing you could see was her, sitting there gracefully on a chair made of vines. Her dark brown hair seemed to float around her, flowing in a non-existent wind. Her bright green eyes captured me, as she beckoned me forward, vines pulling me closer to her.

"Hello Iota, it seems you have made it," she announced gesturing around her. "I'm so glad you're safe." She offered me a warm smile that I didn't return. "You must be confused, I mean one moment you're in Tartarus and poof! Now you're here," She stated, still smiling at me. "However, that isn't important at the moment. Tell me, where are your brother and sisters?" What was she talking about? I had no siblings, not that I knew of. As the seconds went by, her smile seemed to take a more sinister look. Nervous, I twiddled with my fingers, not knowing what to say. "Oh I see, the fates seemed to have given me another deal," She announced, looking down. "It seems you have to make the decision however."

Two paths glowed brightly in the darkness, voices shouting from the distance, each shouting different names. On the right, I heard shouts of the word Iota and brother, four silhouettes standing out in the light. The narrow path to that one was made of a stone with grass sprouting between each crack, the walls covered in ivy. The path to the left had six silhouettes, each beckoning forward, yelling my name. The path to them was completely different to the one on the right. This one had golden rocks for its floor and crystal white walls, the light from heaven seemed to be pouring out of it.

"You must choose and finish the deal, Io-Perseus," the woman shouts, pointing at both paths. The answer seemed almost too simple. I stared at the earthy path, the word Iota being yelled over and over again as the vines seemed to make the narrow path larger. I turned away from it and stepped towards the golden path, my feet seemed to have a mind of its own. As both of my feet settled onto the golden floor, the doorway behind me seemed to vanish, another crystal white wall taking its place.

I continued to walk down the golden path, the voices get louder and louder, until I was in front of them. All of a sudden it all came back, memories flooding into my mind like hurricane. Their names began to pop out of no where; Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank.

"Percy! We were so worried! You had disappeared after the battle and we didn't know where you went, and we've been-" Annabeth rambled on, before I pulled her into a hug. "I missed you," she whispered, holding me tighter. At that moment everything felt wonderful.

Everything was perfect.

Third Person POV~

They watched as he chose the other paths, their hearts shattering into a billion of pieces. Nico hugged Thalia's shoulder, tears pouring out of his eyes as Lyddia stood there shell shocked. Skye leaned against the wall, burying her face into her hands.

He was gone.

Tartarus finished the deal by making Iota leave them, without him even realizing it. "He kept strong through the hallucinations Tartarus made, just like Mom and Dad asked, yet... yet he still ends up alone," Thalia whimpers, wiping her eyes causing her mascara to streak. Nico pulls away from Thalia to curl up in a ball on the ground, his back resting against the ivy walls.

"What do we do now? Tell dad mom cheated on him?" Nico whispered, his voice echoing in the silent corridor.

"Well I know what I'm going to do, I'm getting answers, " Skye growls, pushing back against the wall, not sparing a glance at her siblings.

"Skye wait! C'mon, leave mom alone, will you?" Lydiia shouts," Stay with us, we need you."

"And I need answers."

Skye's POV~

I stared at my mother, who was staring blankly out a window, her hair shifting slightly in the breeze. She stiffened when she heard me clear my throat, turning her head towards me. A slight smile flittered on her face before disappearing as she pressed her lips together.
"I'm assuming you're hear for answers, correct?" Mother states, her eyes blank as she stares at me.

"Of course, why else would I be here?" I retort, causing mother to sigh loudly.

"Ask away then," She announces, gesturing for me to continue. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear before beginning, trying to get my slight nervousness out of my system.

"Why did Ioata choose them over us," I question, trying to keep the hurt hurt out of my voice. Mother stared at me for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Oh Skye," She says between laughs,"I thought you were smarter than this." Her laughs fill the empty room with an eerie feeling, as I stood there silent. "I thought it was obvious why he chose them, honey."

I glare at her, each laugh getting me angrier and angrier. "Well if you wouldn't mind, could you please inform on what the hell you mean?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I payed a price Skye, one to repay all my debts. A sacrifice I suppose you could call it," she said seriously, no longer laughing.

I felt cold inside,"You didn't."

"Oh but I did," Mother states staring deep into my eyes. "It was a heartbreaking decision, but I couldn't lose all of you.."

"Will we see him again?" I ask, my voice wavering slightly.

"Yes but he will bare another face and will not remember his life with us."

"Why? Why would someone want this?"

"Because honey, it hurts more to be forgotten than to be left behind."

The End?
This might be the last chapter officially and no epilogue.

So I must ask:
What did you guys think?
Did you like it?

I tried to tie everything together and not leave any loose ends out and I'm pretty proud of this.

So please give me feedback!

Also would you guys like to do a Q&A type of thing where you guys would ask questions about the characters and perhaps their future? Let me know please!

Also (shameless self promotion)
Check out my other stories I recently posted!
Thank you all who've been here since the beginning.
I'm so blessed to have you all
Well enough rambling,
Your loving author,

I Am Alone: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now