23 | Get Off Your Lazy Ass and Save Me

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23 | Get Off Your Lazy Ass and Save Me

[ Ancient Greek Lullaby above. Play when reading Thalia's POV ]

Percy POV~

The hairs on my neck stood up straight when I heard that voice. It made me shiver, and not in a good way.

"Now how did my oh-so favorite demigod end up in this hell hole?" Polybotes asked sarcastically.

"I obviously fell, dumb-ass."

How else was I suppose to get down here, take the bus? Yea, no. I do not think that driver would like his job very much, having to come back and forth through the over world and Tartarus. It would definitely not be his cup of tea.

Ahh, I am getting sidetracked. Polybotes lumbered towards me, my sarcastic comment was probably not settling very well for him. "Speak to me with respect Perseus. May I remind you that I currently have you hostage?" He glares at me, his eyes narrowing into slits. "While you are down here Perseus, you are mine." He smiles evilly.

"And mine only." I shiver in response. I think over his words. While I am down here, he has the upper hand. He can do whatever he wants.

I guess that makes him the villain and me the damsel in distress.

And I am just waiting for my prince charming to save me.

Oh gods, I sound like a girl. And I think I may have scarred my eyes for life from in visioning myself in a dress.

So Prince, get off your lazy ass and come and save me.

Princess Persassy needs your help.

Annabeth POV~

I held a hand to my cheek as I glanced around me.

Everything had looked so real, seemed so, so very real. How could they have been fake, Percy and Arachne were there breathing right in front of me.

I just could not wrap my mind around the fact that they were just illusions, sent to scare me. And scare me they did. Percy's words still rang through my mind. Your a monster. You killed my future.

You. Ruined. My. Life.

Even though that was not really him, the words stung. Just thinking about them brought some tears to my eyes. I had hurt him, so badly.

Yet I did it all without a second thought.

"Annabitch!" Nico yelled in anger, jolting me out of my thoughts. "What the Hades happened?! Oh gods, it happened to her did it not." Nico groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Ugh at least it is over.'

"Yup no more of this crazy shisct."

My curiosity got the better of me, causing me to blurt out, "What on earth are you talking about?!"

Not the best idea due to the fact that everyone here hated me. How wonderful.

Ignoring my question Skye asked bluntly,"What is on your cheek?"

I rubbed the sore spot, where Percy had slapped me. Hard, may I add. "It is a slap dim wit. Has no one taught you what a slap is? Because I will certainly give you one to show you," I smirk. Yes I know it was a little rude, but this little girl infuriates me.

Actually, they all do.

Mostly because they are complete and utter idiots.

"Do not talk to her like that," Leo says hotly, causing me to scoff. Since when did Leo become buddy-buddy with them?

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