5 | We Are Amazing Singers

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5 | We Are Amazing Singers

Nico P.O.V

Today we are venturing out and this time I'm not on guard duty! Thalia is, yeah that's right Percy chose me this time! Getting off topic, Percy and I causally strolled outside the forest and was attacked. What is with monsters and attacking? They were soon reduced to a pile of sand. Looks like they won't be getting lunch.

We sprinted to the nearest grocery shop and bought everything. From meat to marshmallows. I wanted to grab more "junk" food, however Percy told me that we had to stay fit though you could tell he really wanted the food.

With me arguing that we should get more junk and Percy saying we need more meat,we came to an agreement. We would buy candy, chips, and soda but that's it. I was fine with that. While we were walking down the grain aisle with two full shopping carts we saw a group of people we hated demigods.

They didn't see us yet, so we tried to sneak away. Key word tried. Being me, I fell on my face. Thus alerting the demigods of our prescience. Soon we were surrounded. "Look who we have here, the losers." One camper sneered. They all raised their weapons and did what first came to mind. I spit I'm his face and said," Hades will have your soul." Then I shadow travelled with Percy and our groceries.

Was that stealing? Technically yes, but if you were in a life or death situation would you go pay or get out as fast as you could. As you can tell I chose the second one. We shadow travelled right behind Thalia, scaring her in the process. " What the Hades is wrong with you? Why did you come so early?" She questioned angrily.

"Demigods," I wheezed, shadow traveling takes allot of energy. I saw black dots dancing in my eyes from over exhaustion. Before passing out I faintly heard Percy say, " Its all right buddy, just close your eyes you deserve your rest."

Thalia P.O.V

Well today was eventful. Looks like we aren't leaving the forest anytime soon. I decided no would be a good time to tell Percy about the dream. " Uh, Percy, last night Nico and I had a dream."

"And what was this dream you had about?"

I started tearing up," Oh Percy! My father disowned me and Hades did the same to Nico! Plus they let out the monsters from Tartarus!"

Percy visibly shuddered when I mentioned Tartarus. I winced, knowing that it brought back memories of Annabeth and the horrors of that place.

" Sorry I didn't mean to say-" I started, but Percy interrupted. "It's fine Thals, it just brings back bad memories. I just can't believe they disowned you! If I hadn't allowed you to stay you could still be sa-safe," Percy told me.

"It's fine Percy, if I didn't stay I would most likely still be friends with that bitch, Annabeth. I like living with you guys . We are safe and we are family. Don't feel bad," I answered truthfully. Percy smiled gratefully.

" Should we put him to bed?" Percy asked nodding his head towards Nico. I nodded and we both hauled him up and tucked him in. Nico looked so innocent while sleeping. As if he didn't have a care in the world and was still the mytho card loving boy. Percy and I went our separate ways and went to bed. I started drifting off, but before giving into to sleep I thought, I hate you Zeus.

3 months later....

(Still Thalia's P.O.V)

We have all grown very close and we never leave our forest. We have gotten used to only each other's company and we're fine with it. In fact we love it. We train longer these days due to the stronger monsters outside. We sometimes run into demigods, but Nico always shadow travelled us out of there before they noticed us.

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