9 | A cocky, bitchy, goddess

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Unknown POV~

They're getting more powerful everyday. Soon they will live up to what fate has in store for them. I just hope they are strong enough.

Percy POV~

I chatted happily with a sea turtle named Jon that washed up on the beach in my forest. We had just gotten into a very interesting gossip section and Jon was telling me about how Mrs.Starry the starfish was cheating on her husband with Meico the seahorse, when I heard a hunting call blare through the forest. I jumped to my feet and saw that everyone else had gathered at center, We all shared the same look of confusion, while Thalia had a look of annoyance. 

I wonder why? 

" Why did he have to send her,"Thalia said, seething. Who's her? 

Nico voiced my thoughts ," Who's her? And why are you so angry?" Thalia glared and said the name in disgust, " Artemis."

No wonder she hated her. For one, she voted for my death and when Thalia quit the hunters for unknown reasons , Artemis slapped her and cursed her. In case your wondering, she both cursed at her and cursed her. Thalia's curse is that if she was ever to love somebody and kiss them (She obviously fell in love, why else would she leave the hunt) they would turn into a jack 'o' lope.

Poor her. Looks like Thalia will be single for a while. Also, it didn't surprise me to know she recognized the call, she was in the hunt for four years. ( A/N Just so you know, It would be about four years if the war took place at the end of summer and he was betrayed a few months later and she became a hunter in December, so it has been three months and it is now Spring. Sorry if I just blew your mind with my math :/)

" Why don't we observe from afar, watch from behind the border she's closest too," Lyddia reasoned, trying to keep Thalia striking down trees in her fury. We walked along the border of each forest to see who's she was closest too. It happened to Pinecone face's.

Well that sucks. Having the person you hate so close to the place you call home would be horrible. I shuddered to think of having Poseidon near my home. We watched as Artemis and hunters tried and failed miserably to follow our scent and track us down.

I laughed at their bewildered faces as they had their wolves try and sniff us out. The rest followed in my laughter when Phoebe, who took Thalia's spot as lieutenant, stomped her foot in frustration and ended up falling on her butt. It was hilarious.

We observed them for about fifteen minutes, until we eventually got bored. I mean, after a while a dog running around and  barking at grass gets annoying after a while, right? Who am I kidding? It's still funny. The real reason is because we needed to act, and we needed to do it now.

 Artemis POV~

Argh! Where are these stupid demigods? No one can avoid my hunters, especially some attention seekers. I was about to tell my hunters that we have the wrong location, when I watched a certain daughter of Hecate come into view. When she met my gaze, she looked surprised and scared.

She should be.

"How did you find us?" She asked, a terrified edge in her voice. I just smiled.

"Show us to where you are camped, if you cooperate you'll go through less pain," I said, aiming my bow at her. She lifted her hands in a sign of peace. "Follow me then," and she ran, her hair flowing behind her.


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