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I know, I know. I'm horrible for making you wait this long. It wasn't like I didn't want to update, I just wanted to make sure everyone's thoughts were heard about the ships. So, sometime this week, Chapter 6 will be coming out!

Ok guys this is what you guys voted for!

5 -Perlia

3- Perzoe

9 -Percy

8 - Pertimis

0 - Pianca

3- Pione

4-Percy+new character

So Percy will be a hot sexy loner in further chapters! Thank you to all that have commented!

Also I have question to ask you guys, would you like me to write another Percy Jackson fan fiction while writing this one? I have some drafts written, but it's your guys thoughts that will decide if they will get published. If you have certain one like Percy JacksonxAvengers please do share down below.

Bye- Stuckbetween2worlds

I Am Alone: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now