27| Well then Lyddia..

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27| Well then Lyddia..

Thalia POV~

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to not crush a flower. Or how hard it is to keep it alive. Especially when you're travelling across the harsh landscape that makes up the Underworld. It is almost impossible. This is problem Nico and I are facing currently. And it surely isn't easy to accomplish. I cradled the flower in my arms, whose petals had already started to go limp. Is this like some super plant that needs a lot of water, because I just gave it some about ten minutes.

Then again I have no clue on anything about flowers. Yet somehow I knew what to do, and when to do it. Like someone was whispering the instructions to me. Oh god I really am going crazy. "How much farther until the hole?" I called out to Nico who was several meters ahead of me. 

"Maybe another half a mile-ish? I honestly have no idea. Hades is doing some weird stuff with my power. Sometimes it enhances while at other times it's as if I am not even a son of Hades," Nico winced at the last statement, as did I . Our parenthood was still a touchy subject. I mean why wouldn't it, we were basically called worthless things that no one wants. Not exactly something a kid wants to hear from their parents. 

"Think it has something to do with the fact we entered that place? Perhaps it's doing something with out powers. I honestly can't wait until we get back to our forests', that place is practically my home now," I said wistfully, thinking back to the days we spent in the forests. The tournaments, the battles, ,the fun. It's sad to think that those may never happen again. 

"Hey, we'll get back home. All of us. Don't worry okay?"' Nico told me, turning around walking backwards to face me. I nodded and wiped a tear I didn't realize I shed. Did the thought of home really cause me to tear up? I glanced down at the flower in my hands and saw it was starting to wilt. I tried to think of a way to make it stay alive long enough to get it back to Lyddia. That is until my hands grew warm and my fingertips turned a tinge of green. The stream of curses that came out of my mouth was enough to scar any child at any age. "What happened Thalia?!" Nico said worriedly.

"My freak-in' hands turned green!" I practically yelled. The plant's petals stood a little straighter and seemed to rejuvenate. It looked exactly how it did when it first grew. "Okay I am officially weird-ed out. This day has been nothing but odd. When we get back, I am getting a cup of coffee and sitting down."

Nico chuckled,"Let's just find the hole first, okay? Then we can worry about coffee breaks." I mumbled something under my breath about how coffee is important. We kept walking, our combat boots stomping their way through the rocky terrain. 

"My feet are going to die if we don't get there soon," I complain, my back hunched over, clutching the flower,

"Then it's a good thing we're here then," Nico announced, gesturing to a door in front of us.

"This is it? Doesn't look like much to be honest," I told him, peering over at the solid black door standing there.

Nico rolled his eyes,"Well it is something special. Thalia say hello to the first ever Door of Darkness, made by yours truly. I created in my spare time in the forest.

"And why couldn't we have just hopped onto one of my clouds and get of here that way..?"

"Because getting into the Underworld is easy, getting out is much, much harder. We wouldn't even get to the Fields of Asphodel before we were caught. This door will get us out undetected. And don't worry about Hades, he wouldn't even know where to start looking for Doris," Nico said proudly. I choked back a laugh, 

"Doris? I can't believe you named it."

"Hey! You name your clouds too!" Nico shot back.

"Nico they had names before."

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