31 | The Deal

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(not edited yet)

Lyddia POV: 

"Y-you know? H-how? You had been asleep..." Gaea rambled on, her eyes large as she realized the seriousness of the situation. A humorless laugh escaped my mouth as she spoke, she really was clueless. Gaea may think she was the best parent in the world, but in all honesty, she really hadn't been. All she ever was a selfish-heartless bitch and the more bits and pieces of my memory I received, the more I realized the truth in that statement. 

"Oh mother, you really don't have a clue. Perhaps that's why you made such a deal. You simply didn't know," I snarled, "After all, you always did have moss for brains." Her face turned bright red like a tomato, her eyes narrowing. By the looks of it, she was trying to calm herself down, however it wasn't working. 

"How dare you! Sure I've made mistakes, who hasn't? However, that does not give you the right to disrespect me like that! I am your mother!" She yelled, her nostrils flaring.

"If you were my mother, would you have let us go for something as measly as a chance? Would you?!" I screamed at her, before quickly covering my mouth with my hands. I swallowed hard, trying to push the lump in my throat down. My hands were shaking as I spoke, the thoughts of the night flooding back."If you were truly my mother, y-you.." I couldn't even get the words out, they were too painful to speak of. 

"Chara...you must understand.." She began as if trying to soothe me. Her words did the opposite, they only fueled the anger I had building up inside of me without me even knowing. "T-they told me.."

"What? That it would solve all your problems? That it would end the fighting? Well look at how that turned out. Everything was fine before you ruined it! We loved living in the shadows, we relished in it! We didn't need sunlight, we didn't need you to prance off into the sunset to save us! We. Were. Fine!" I barked out, tears streaming down my face like a roaring river. 

"Chara, you were being consumed...you couldn't, you all couldn't.." Mother tried to speak once again, only to be hushed by me. 

"Mother why can't you understand! You were our sun! We didn't him to fill in the darkness, you already did! Why can't you see that we didn't need him!" At this point mother was crying, sobbing even. 

"Chara, you will never understand. For you are just a child, please just stop this hatred, just end it!" She begged and that's when I finally saw it. I finally saw the broken woman in front of me. And I didn't feel the need to pick up the pieces, in fact I saw that I could actually break them some more. I could take these shattered bits of her soul and stomp on them, I could take what's already broken and somehow break it even more. All I had to do was open my mouth and I was biting my lip not to. 

I was in a fork in the road, and I didn't know what lane to choose. But then I felt it, I felt that burning ache in my chest that her words had left all those years ago. And the words pushed through my teeth, out of my mouth into the air. They left in a flurry, emotion mixed in with it, all aimed towards her. 

"Stop my hatred? Ha, perhaps I would if you would have stopped him."

Percy POV: 

"So Percy, I like what you've done with the place," Zoe said, nodding at the blood stained walls. I simply rolled my eyes and stared at my shackles. I suddenly felt something sharp grip my chin, roughly forcing it upward. My eyes met two dark blue ones, which were glaring at me. "Didn't anyone tell you it's rude not to look someone in the eyes when they speak to you?" Zoe sneered, flaring her nostrils.

"Well how would I know, when you killed my mother," I spat, causing some blood to get onto her once clean face. "So how did the stars treat you? Had fun with Hercules?" She scowled, her nose scrunching up in disgust. 

"Like I would ever fool around with that tool, honestly Percy I thought you knew me better than that." Zoe stated, shaking head in mock disappointment. 

"So did I, that was before you walked into my cell like you owned the place," I growled, glaring at her, causing her to shudder. Zoe looked away for a moment, as if she was collecting her thoughts.

"Percy would you like to know a secret?" She smiled that sickly smile once again before she leaned forward until her lips were right against my ear. 

"And what is this secret?" I asked, taking a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever she had to tell me. My hands were shaking in anticipation and my heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest

She spoke quietly, so quiet that I had to strain my ears to hear her. "I'm here to save you Perseus, we all are. It's all an act. I am here to help, think about that from now on. Oh, and just remember, a chance is only a dream." She quickly pulled away from my face and then slapped it before standing up. I glanced up at her, my eyes wide. 

"I'll be back next time Perseus, I can't wait until our next playdate," She winked at me and for a moment her eyes flickered. 

Perhaps this whole 'hope' thing won't be that hard after all. 

* * *

For the rest of the day, I spent it rethinking Zoe's words. 'A chance is only a dream,' she had said to me and I still couldn't wrap my head around the statement. There are just so many ways I could've interpreted that. Perhaps my chance will come in the form of a dream? As Annabeth would say, I'm too stupid to understand. 


I hadn't thought about her in a while and suddenly I felt that huge weight fall onto my chest again. Is Annabeth my chance?

If she is, she's more of a nightmare than a dream. 

Thalia POV~ 

I awoke with a jolt, banging my head in the process. Where am I? I hadn't even opened my eyes yet and I could already tell what I was about to see was not going to be pretty. The smell of the place was than anything I have smelt in my, it was as if someone coated the entire room in blood and guts. I slowly opened one eye and then opened the other, glancing around the room. 

I saw a slumped figure in the corner, shaking furiously."Are you alright?" I asked tentatively, unsure if it was human or some creature. It instantly stopped moving when it heard my voice, as if was suddenly frozen. So far, this thing hasn't given me any reason to be hostile, so it would be the kind thing to perhaps get closer? Wait no, that's a stupid idea, it could simply be baiting me.

On the other hand..

I opened my mouth to speak once more, only to be interrupted. "Thalia?" It asked, their voice hoarse. My eyes widened at their voice. It couldn't be... 

The figure turned towards me, their eyes glowing in the dimly lit room. "Thalia," They whispered,"How did you get here?"



I updated ^.^

How are all you lovely people doing? Hopefully you are all doing great!

Did you guys like this chapter? I thought it was finally time to post another chapter for all of you, so hope you liked it

jeez i say hope a lot i just realized. 

welp I'm going to try to start posting weekly like I had before

aaaaandddd if you guys want, you can tweet me questions about any of my stories or just questions in general. i'm on practically 24/7 so i will answer to all of your questions

my twitter is : dildocatss

don't question it 

unless no one tweets me then I'll be that person on twitter that simply is there

hopefully that won't happen though

see! I say hope way too much

anyway see you lovelies around! 

(i will be updating hunted or ice king in a few, so keep your eyes peeled)


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