4 | Parents are nothing but big, fat, meanies

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4 | Parents are nothing but big, fat, meanies

Percy P.O.V

Can't I get a break? I pulled out Slash( my backup sword made by your truly) as Thalia brought out her bow. Even though she was no longer a hunter, she still carried it around. I suppose it made her feel safer. Riptide had the same effect on me. Anyway, a crowd of monsters, a dozen or so, charged at us. I just smirked at Thalia and asked "Ready for some fun?"

"You bet," was her reply.

I charged as Thalia back flipped onto a tree and started shooting. Slash. Duck . Step . Repeat. That was all that was going on in my head. Before I knew it all that was left was a dust blowing in the gentle summer wind. Only in my eye, the wind wasn't gentle, it was a storm.

Reflecting what I was feeling inside. Calm down Percy, I thought. No need to go all deep and solemn. I glanced over at Thalia, " Ready to head back?"

"Psshhh, I was born ready," Thalia answered. I allowed a small smile to creep up on my face, though only for a second.

Thalia P.O.V

The walk home was a peaceful one. I couldn't help but notice how much Percy has changed.

He was more well built and still had that lopsided grin. Yet, there seemed to be this aura of sadness and his eyes held that cold demeanor. They were still like green orbs but they didn't twinkle like they would , unless he was with one of us. He usually never smiled and only scowled. What happened to our Percy? I thought.

We were quickly nearing the woods as the sun started to set. Only a few hundred feet away from the woods , we were attacked. Now, we didn't act frightened or surprised like we would normally would.

No living in those woods alone with no one but each other to depend on, you get used to surprises like monsters seeing they would attack us if we even set foot outside the forest. I notched an arrow as Percy raised Slash. We attacked in a blur of movements.

In a blink of an eye all the monsters were gone. I grinned and asked " Ready for some of Nico's spaghetti?", my stomach growling in hunger.

" I was born ready," Percy mimicked my earlier words. We both smiled and walked into the Center of the three forests.

Unknown P.O.V

"Do you think they are ready yet?" Asked an angelic voice.

"Not yet my dear, but soon", a deep yet kind voice answered."Tell the warriors to get ready for new soldiers."

Percy P.O.V

I sipped my lemonade that was not blue, just how I liked it (blue food brought back to many memories). I listened in on Thalia's conversation with Nico. They were saying how we now should only leave the forest unless absolutely necessary, with demigods on the prowl we could get captured. Or worse killed.

" I agree," I announced startling them, " Though I think we should go out tomorrow to buy things in bulk, thus making our trips next time shorter."

They nodded their heads agreeing. Seeing that our dinner/meeting was over I grabbed our plates and washed them, using my powers to speed up the process. We each said goodnight and I laid down on my bed, that I had made, and glanced at the stars smiling as I saw the huntress constellation.

Thalia P.O.V

I smiled as I climbed into my bed listening to the thunderstorm brewing over my forest. I couldn't help but feel content in living in fear of being found, how Percy was betrayed, that we were now outlaws and would be killed immediately if seen. Also how we were attacked 24/7 and had to train constantly to keep up with the unusually strong monsters. Of course that was all bad, though I wouldn't change a thing.

At Olympus

" I don't care if a some demigods get killed release them," Zeus roared.

"B-but my lord allowing monsters from Tartarus to be released would be disastrous," Hera reasoned.

" Does it look like a care? Not only is one of the most powerful demigods on the run

, but so are his closest cousins! How dare Thalia, I disown you! Hades release the monsters!" Zeus barked.

"With pleasure," Hades replied evilly," And may I say, Nico I disown you also. Something I should have said as soon as Bianca died." In a flash Hades disappeared to release the monsters. The meeting resumed, though the gods never noticed they had eaves droppers...

Thalia and Nico P.O.V

They both shifted slightly wincing as if in pain. All of sudden they felt betrayed and angered. They sat up and yelled "PERCY!", after realizing what they just witnessed.

There you go another chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

See ya soon

- @stuckbetween2wordls

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