25 | Caught Red Handed

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25| Caught Red Handed

Thalia POV~

I watched as Skye collapsed, a shaking mess.

To be honest, I was terrified.

We had just been walking, making small talk with the blonde. I was in a fighting stance at all times, I still did not trust my so called mother and father. Whom, may I had ignored us our entire life.

Plus, they did try and kill us.

Anyways, Skye kinda just, froze up. Her body went rigid and she stared at all of us with wide eyes, like she saw something awful. And that's when the shaking started. I didn't know what to do, except try and calm her down. So I just spoke soothing words to her, and then she just fell to the ground in a heap.

I glared a Gaea and the blonde. "What did you do to her? What have you done to my sister!" I growled, my finger tips crackling with electricity.

I was nervous, how couldn't I be? My sister basically dropped dead. That makes two now.

"Nothing, she is simply remembering. She should be awake in a few moments." Gaea announced, causing Nico and I to jump. We had all been standing in silence for a while, still in shock from Skye's sudden fall.

Just as promised, moments later she sat up straight gasping for air.

"Aglaia? Wh-what? What's going on?" Skye asked, confusion etched onto her face. Her silver eyes were slightly darker now, the sea green flecks more prominent. Her hair was also different, only slightly however. It seemed more wavy and looked way softer.

She also looked older, no longer a young twelve year old girl. Skye looked about my age or a year younger.

Aglaia? I raised an eyebrow.

"Who the is Algaea, Skye? I am Thalia, Thalia Grace." I told Skye.

"Who is this Skye, you speak of? I'm Thekla."




We were all sitting inside their palace in this weird town. Awkwardly, may I add. The tension in the air was so thick you could slice through it with Riptide. Oh nice going, Thalia. Way to make yourself upset.

I took a deep breath and looked Gaea and Ouranos.

"You have some explaining to do."

"About what," Ouranos questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"How about we start on the fact that Skye is no longer Skye. And these weird thoughts I have been getting."

Skye (Thekla)POV~

I don't even know what to think anymore.

I can barely think without getting a massive headache. Everything is just so confusing. First, Aglaia acts like she doesn't know me. Then she calls me Skye, someone I have never been. Second, Mom is acting weird.

And third, where the heck is Iota!

Hm, plus this curly haired boy keeps giving me strange looks.

A sudden jolt of pain coursed through me. I clenched my jaw and placed my hands on either side of my temple.

The pain was horrible, like my mind was being beat up by a gang. Memories flooded into my mind of a forest .

I was sitting on a log, laughing with Iota, Algaia, Chara, and Akakios. When was this? And it hit me, my name is Skye.

Then why did I think I was named Thekla?

My hands flew to mouth. I figured it out. Five children...

Lyddia, Percy, Nico, Thalia, and I. We were the children of the prophecy.

But, it didn't make any sense.

How was our little broken messed up family, the center of a great prophecy? That was the real question. We're all misfits in this world, so how could we be made into heroes? Percy is a supposed criminal, Thalia and Nico are his accomplices, and Lyddia and I are two no bodies.

Yet we were somehow suppose to save the world.

No pressure or anything. How wonderful.

Percy POV~

I was sitting in my bloody cell, chained to the wall. My head was pounding from my recent punishment, something I got for being 'sassy' with the guards.

I have no idea what they are talking about.

Two people were pushed into the room, sacks over their heads. What is this, medieval times?

Anyway they were shoved to the ground harshly, their heads bowed.

"Get ready for some fun Perseus," Bellowed one of the guards. Also known as ugly number one.

The sacks were lifted off the heads of the figures, showing my mother and step father.

"M-Mom? Paul? Wh-what are you doing here??" I stuttered, staring at the people in front of me in shock. They didn't speak a word, and kept they heads bowed.

"Answer me, please!" I pleaded, wanting to hear my supposedly dead mother's voice. Mom lifted her face to she was staring me straight in the eye. Her lips had been sewn together crudely, the string in a zig-zag shape. The string itself was a dark color, maybe from blood or it had originally been dark.

"This is to keep her screams silent. Master hated how the last group cried." The guard smiled evilly, my eyes widening.

The last group...

"Now," The guard announced, cracking his knuckles. "Kill them."




Killing someone is harder than it sounds. Sure I had killed some people, but what I was feeling is nothing compared to all the other times.

This was my mother. The person who gave birth to me.

I owed her in some form. Yet here I was, boiling her.

"Haha! Roast her from the inside out! Just as we did before!"

Wait, before? My mother and Paul died in a car accident...

"You killed them! You and everyone else here killed my parents!" I yelped, clenching my fists, ignoring the squirms of my mother.

"Caught red handed." And he gave me that stupid smirk.

Whats up all my readers?

Any of you get your copy of BoO? I did (eBook) but I wish to wait for my hard cover. Sorry for the long wait, I have been quite the busy person.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And if you see any random words, blame auto correct.



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