15 | The ugliest monster I have ever seen

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Lyddia POV~

We set up camp a block away from where Percy was " abducted."
I had felt so helpless when Percy was wrapped and taken , so unreliable. The satyr must have recognized that I was a daughter of Hecate because I felt some magic woven in the vines. It had caused my powers to short-circuit.

Why did that satyr have to be so dam smart?
Percy could be in intense pain right now, and I'm here just sitting underneath the stars.
I had a spark of hope that Percy was fine and in a second he was going to pop out and say " fooled you!" then we would be happy and figure out this prophecy.

But things like that doesn't happen to demigods.
No, we get our loved ones ripped away from us and die a tragic death. So much for a happily ever after for us heroes.
Night had fallen and the stars had crept into the sky, shining dimly due to the lights of New York.
My eyes started to droop and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. Only to be awakened by that women.

" Hello darling, I see it is already coming true! Poor, poor Iota. He never did have the best luck," The lady said. Who was Iota?
" Follow the map in her mind, it will guide you to me. Beware, though. Many challenges will come your way. Chara don't give me that confused look, you'll figure it out. You were always a smart girl. Before I go, one of you must journey to ta-"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. What was she going to say? And what map?
I turned to see if anyone else was awake and strangely enough, everyone was.
" Never knew you were such a sleeper Lyddia," Thalia announced while eating an apple. " Oh and there's sticks in your hair."

I reached up and there really was sticks in my hair. Plus leaves. I blushed in embarrassment.
I cleared my throat, after making myself look presentable.
" I had a dream last night"
I told them about the lady's warning and about this person named Iota. I also mentioned how she called me Chara, all while we were getting ready to move out.
When I had finished, it looked as if no one had slept here.
We definitely don't need the gods tracking us.
Our small group had traveled a good mile before we were attacked.
They were slug looking creatures crossed between a snail and a spider. Looks like we found out who won Ugliest in the Universe contest this year.

Drool trickled from the corners of its mouth, most likely containing poison. I had never seen or read about a monster like this. Keep it talking, I thought.
" So who are you?"
It spoke in my mind, ' I am the τρόμος."
Terror, I translated.

So this is one of the challenges the woman mentioned.


I tried to think of a plan, but this was unknown territory. I had never learned about a monster like this at that camp, so I had to go with a sucky plan. Talking.

" So you must be pretty powerful to be able to speak in my mind, huh?" I asked the τρόμος.

" Why yes I am Child of Earth," The creature spoke in my mind. Wait, what?

My brain was swirling like the ocean, my thoughts bubbling up to the surface. Child of Earth. Chara. Five of Children. A woman with green eyes and brown hair.

My eyes widened with realization. " What Lyddia?" Skye asked worriedly.

I stared down the monster. " I know who I am, Terror!'

' Do you really Lyddia? Or is that really your name?' I wanted to tear my hair out. It couldn't be true. My mother is Hecate and my father is Robert Yiltan. I couldn't....I can't....

" Your a liar!" I screamed, but I knew it was true. I had figured it out. My friends looked at me as if I was crazy. " What are you talking about Lyddia?" Nico asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

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