11 | A campfire story

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Once upon a time, 

Many years ago, there lived a family. This family was built on the foundations of love and loyalty. They were all different and unique in their own way. There were five children, who's love for each other was eternal. They always had each other's backs and was there if the other needed a shoulder to lean on.

The children were wonderful, polite (at least most of them), powerful, and loyal. They would never betray their family or friends. Nevertheless, they were kept a secret, hidden from the world. For the world did not need them, at least not yet. 

As they grew older, they became more restless. They wanted to fight, protect their country. But their mother wouldn't have it. She was afraid her grandson would kill them, for as they grew their scent also became stronger.

All she wanted was for her sweet hearts to be okay, to remain hers forever and to be protected. To do so, she did horrible, terrible things. She created a new batch of children, ones that would protect the family to death. Wars broke out, but as long as her "army" protected her babies, she was happy. 

Until of course, her grandchildren won. Her "loving" grand kids forced her into sleep, never knowing the true reasons for her actions. When they did find the children, they disposed of them. Or so they thought.

For many years, the children took forms of soldiers, for they still wanted to fight. With their strength, they made each war they fought in a memorable one. Their forms were remembered as heroes, and still are to this day. 

One of the boys had taken form of the great Achilles, and changed their form before he died

A girl, the oldest, had changed to become Arachne, for she had the power of seeing the future, and knew these creatures would be needed in years to come. When she was turned into what we call a spider, she shifted and created an exact copy of her, one who would test the skills of the all mighty Athena's children.

Another girl used the mist to become Zoe Nightshade, she too knew that in the future someone would finally discover what a horrible man Heracles truly was.

The third and final sister had became a girl named Nausicaä, a women who helped Odyssesius and provided hospitality. She soon transformed and became a new heroine. 

One of the boys had become Perseus, and had his sister use the mist to make Zeus think he was his son and did many great deeds, before like his siblings faded into the shadows and went to find another hero to create.

Through each of these lives, the children had to live it through, from childbirth to death. Though, they almost never crossed paths, they were content with helping the world. 

That is before it happened.

The children were going about their lives, or you could say their alter-ego lives, when it happened. When Mt. Thera erupted on Crete, something stirred up in them, just like when they were kids. They were about to use their powers to stop the volcano from wrecking havic, when they heard a voice.

A voice they always longed to hear again. 

A voice as lovely as roses.

A voice filled with love and caring.

It was the voice of their Mother.

It was quiet, barely over a mumble. They heard it though. As clear as day.

" I am sorry children," and then the world turned black.

The poor mother had killed them, killed her children. Or the world had thought. The children's minds were just wiped clean, with something stronger than the water of the River Lethe. The mother had wanted to do this years before, however the fates would not allow. The fates had told her that her children had to live through all these lives, for the greater good. It was only just last night did the fates say she could carry out her original plan.

With their minds wiped clean, they remembered nothing of what they have accomplished or who they even were. The mother had thought this would be best, if they never knew about their true parentage. For centuries, they were kept asleep in her chambers, hidden in magic more powerful than Hecate herself. Once again, the mother was at peace, she had her children and that's all that mattered.

Until that fateful night.

The mother was sleeping when she noticed no sound in their little burrow of a home. There were always the sighs and snores from sleep that echoed from the children's room to her own, yet not even a peep was made. It was deadly silent. She tiptoed into the children's room to find them missing, and the fates in their place.

" What have you done with them?" She cried, tears springing into her eyes.

The fates looked at her with what was thought as sympathy and spoke as one, " It had to be done, they exist in another time-line." With that they disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving the mother questioning their words.

For many years, the mother waited to see her children come home and was met with nothing. After three millenia she had enough. Anger and fury was the only feelings she felt now, her caring nature gone. She despised the fates and decided if she couldn't hurt them, she'd hurt the people who started this all, her grandchildren.

With that the mother gathered up her army again and told them to avenge their siblings death and they did. They were bloody and beaten when they returned home, but that wasn't enough. The mother was driven mad from her anger of losing her children, that she told them either come home with your shield, or on it. The mother watched the war with blood lust, she truly had gone insane. 

And the only thing to fix her broken soul,

was the love of her children.

And with that, the Oracle collapsed, leaving a very shocked camp.

Ok guys I know I said I wouldn't update this story, instead my Hunted one, but I just couldn't stand the wait! So many ideas were buzzing in my head and I just had to type them up. So I won't be updating Hunted today :( But perhaps tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this quick update. This chapter is a little different then the others, but I felt that this had to be written. As you can tell, it's written as if it's a story at a campfire ( which it was) and it's written in third person. In the next chapter, the names of the children will be named. So until then, 

Enjoy the fireworks tomorrow!

~ Stuckbetween2worlds

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