30| Bitches in High Heels

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30| Bitches in High Heels

[music on the side because why not]

Percy POV~

        The stench of Tartarus was far better smelling than my current cell, and that's saying something. To be able to make a small cell more foul than Tartarus himself, that is an achievement. The mothers of all these monsters must be so proud. I can just imagine them weeping tears of joys in front of some hellhound reporter (do monsters have reporters..? I wonder..), one of those old fashioned handkerchiefs in their hand. That is, of course, if monsters are somehow civilized enough to have hellhounds as reporters and cyclopes or other creatures crying in front of the monster world. 

        I was currently just fiddling with my chains, like always. There's not much to do down here but get tortured or become insane. I've had my fair share of both and I must say, they are most definitely not fun. Believe me, I am probably the most experienced in both categories. My cell has been practically silent, except for the heavy footsteps I hear outside my door every once and a while. 

        Man, the things I would give to be allowed to go past that Stygian iron doors. To actually be allowed to talk to people, something I haven't done since I was placed in solitary confinement. The only glimpse of some other living creature is when I see the fungus covered hand slip stale food through the door slot. Besides that, I haven't talked to anyone since that day with Annabeth. 

        It's hard to even think about that girl. It makes my insides churn to know that she joined forces with the enemy, I never thought someone like Annabeth would even be capable of something like that. Then again, I never thought Annabeth was the sort of person who would openly cheat on someone. She proved me wrong with that one and the aftermath was not very pretty. Actually, that's an understatement, the aftermath was horrible seeing the fact that there was practically a bounty for my head and there still is. I bet the Gods are having a celebration party for my tumble down into Tartarus. 

        I honestly would not be surprised one bit.

        The flap of the door creaked open as a tray was slid through the small opening, grimy fingers placing it on the floor. Well, more like tossed in my opinion. On the tray was stale bread and moldy water, how delicious. Note my sarcasm. I slid it towards myself using my foot, which is a lot harder than it sounds. Why can't they just place it just a little closer to me so it saves everyone the trouble of me starving to death if I can't pull it over? Oh wait, I forgot, everyone in this hellhole wants my head. 

        I hesitantly poked the bread, silently hoping the thing wouldn't grow legs anytime soon. Thankfully, the only thing it did was shift slightly from my touch. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't call this just stale, the bread was covered in green fur otherwise known as fungus. How do they even expect me to eat this. This is past inedible, way past. Even due to that fact, I still ate it, forcing it down. I then cautiously held the small wooden bowl containing my water to me lips, sipping at it. It tasted a little funny, but I suppose it will have to do. 

        I saved the rest of the water after a few sips, you never know when they might stop giving out handouts. The door creaked open to my left, causing me to jump. I snapped my head towards the sound, narrowing my eyes at whatever may be coming inside. The peaceful silence that had once been sickening just became a whole lot nicer. 

        Heels clicked as whatever was now in the room stepped into view. There she stood, looking as if she hasn't aged a day in the past four years, her dark hair done in its usual braid. A sickly sweet smile I wasn't used to seeing lit up on her face as she stared me down. "Well hello Perseus," She cooed, her eyes never leaving mine,"I haven't seen you in ages."

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