22 | Annabitch gets told off

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[ lotta cursing ]

Skye POV~

 I wondered what my mother's fears were as we descended once again. Why had she been so uptight as I stood by her, and all of a sudden disliked Leo? And liked to glare at the stars?

I will never understand her, she truly is a puzzle. I think she may have lost one too many pieces.

I marched down each step, striking a pose every once and awhile. I had to do something to keep me busy.


After we had left the blinding sunlight that was in the park, we saw a staircase, one that we could see no bottom to. So that is how we ended up here, slowly walking down this spiralling stairs that were in complete darkness.

I basically stumbled blindly the first few steps until I was able to start walking in a steady march. Leo was at my side as we walked further and further down..

Okay now back to the present. I had just did a mini twirl, when I fell.

I guess it is true that you can fall down the stairs while doing little stunts. No matter how much I wanted it to be a lie. 

I let out a scream as I tumbled down the stairs, bringing practically everyone with me. 


Soon we were all falling down the stairs, not having anything to stop us. At least not until we reached the bottom of the staircase. We had all managed to fall on top of Nico, whom was groaning beneath us. I let a giggle, causing everyone's head to snap towards my direction.

Thalia glared at me, "I fell down all this way, because of you Skye. Do you realize that one of us could have gotten seriously injured? What if someone broke their neck?"

I roll my eyes a bit at her motherly tone. "Thals, look on the bright side. We finally got to the bottom." With that I smile and stand up, and squint at a door that was facing us. It was giving off light, illuminating the dark and gloomy area. I could now see everyone's faces and they all held curiosity. 

The door itself was a golden color making the light have that colored tint. However, the rest of the door did not look as pretty. 

Only the center of the door was golden, while the rest was a rotting wood. Mold and fungus had begun to grow on its surface. Cobwebs covered most of the wood, wrapping around it.

No one really wanted to have to touch it, and I honestly do not blame them. That is why I was angry when I found myself being pushed towards the door. 

I stared at the disgusting door in front of me, I did not want to touch it. Could I not get some type of disease by touching that fungus? I do not want to be dying any time soon. 

I slowly reach towards the door, my finger tips getting closer and closer the fuzzy green wood...

"Just open the freakin' door already Skye!" Leo yelled in exasperation. 

I gulped and squeezed my eyes shut, as my hand made contact. I pushed gently on the door, afraid it would fall off its hinges. 

It opened with that classic horror film creak and revealed what was inside.

Percy POV~

I awoke chained to a wall.

My hands were shackled to the ground along with my feet. The chains were rusty and were digging into my skin. I hope I do not get tetanus. Yes I know what that is.

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