26| Hope

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26| Hope

Percy POV~

I wonder if time goes faster here in Tartarus because I am sure I have been here for at least two weeks. The daily, sometimes hourly tortures have gotten worse the longer I stay here. They keep using my fears and people I love against me. Sometimes Selena will show up and yell at me about Beckendorf. Other days I get suffocated in Greek fire. I keep telling myself this is all fake, that I didn't really kill all those people. It's getting harder to believe, however, everything just looks so realistic.

Am I insane? I really don't know anymore. It's getting harder and harder each day to understand what goes on. Everything just seems to blur together. As if my imagination and the real world are clashing together. When I sleep I see their deaths, when I'm being tortured I actually kill them. I tend to think that when I get tortured it's worse but I'm sure that they're equal. In my nightmares I don't just see that I killed one person that I love, I see everyone that I killed. I look up from the dark spot that I've been staring at since I've woken up from my last horror.

I hear the sounds of multiple metal hinges moving which signals that the door opens and its another round of torture given to me by my greatest friend Polybotes. I don't even try to run from the killings, I just pick up the sword he's given me and cut it through their bodies. I don't feel the pain and I don't feel the horror as I kill all the campers, it's all just death to me. Polybotes doesn't see past my mask of void and leaves in a huff unsatisfied.

When he leaves I immediately fall down into fetal position rocking back and forth unlocking the guilt and emotion I hid from him whispering, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I say it as many times as I need, but there's no amount that'll please me or their souls for killing them.

'But it's not them!' A voice calls out to me. I look around hastily and see no one else is here. 'You didn't kill anyone. It wasn't them.' I look again and no one is there. I shake my head and think that I'm just hallucinating, but that voice keeps nagging me that it really isn't them.

"I'm sorry." I repeat again for reassurance, "I'm sorry." Two times the charm, right? "I DIDN'T KILL THEM!" Wait, where did that come from? I'm quite sure I really did kill them, I have a sword with their blood in my hand. It only makes sense if I did kill them. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." It's the only words that put my mind to ease, so I repeat them till I drift to sleep.

I look around and it's different from the dark desolate room of nothing but corpses and me killing those I love. I'm in a bright room with gold and silver everywhere that reminds me of Greece and Rome with pillars on the edges of the walls. Hanging from them where multiple pictures of a family and the members looked awfully familiar if only I could get a closer look at them, but of course I couldn't move but I was able to see the stars on the walls that were the design of the room. All around the room there was also all kinds of plants from exotic to everyday flowers everywhere. I then see two people walk in the room from a door I did not notice until now.

"Iota, come on why are you just standing there? Give Papa a hug!," The male says with a warm welcoming voice that sounds familiar to me but why? I've never heard him, nor seen him.

"Uranus, don't you remember that Iota is the one with the worst memory? He even forgot his own anniversary with that wretched Annie-Annie-Annie. What did Aglaia call her again? Annabitch? Yes that was her name! Uranus, Iota couldn't even remember their anniversary!" This voice I am able to remember crystal clear, Gaea. But why does she sound like she cares, and how does she know this and why is she calling me Iota and who's Aglaia? These questions keep popping in my head left and right, and I'm sure that my head would explode for thinking more times than I usually do.

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