2 | My loving Family

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2 | My loving Family

Hey guys here's a new chapter!


I exited the alley to see Thalia and Nico behind me. I cursed under my breath. They weren't supposed to be here, they could get hurt. Living on my own for the past two weeks have been hard. I was immediately attacked by monsters. Though i didn't run just because of my friends and my girlfri-Annabeth. A week earlier the gods summoned me to Olympus....

***********FLASH BACK********************

I was cleaning my cabin (I know a miracle right?) when Annabeth burst in telling me Chiron asked for me. On my way to the Big House everyone gathered by its steps, I heard bits and pieces of everyone's conversation.

"Probably another quest-"

"Why can't Chiron call us-"

"I bet the Olympians are going to kill him," A familiar voice said with a giggle.

Are they? I thought. I pushed those thoughts to the back of mine and entered the Big House. There Chiron told me that the Olympian Counsel has summoned me. Probably going to try and make me a god again, I thought sighing.

I soon disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared on Olympus. I smiled at the architecture of Mount Olympus and smiled even more when I remembered Annabeth created it.

I entered the throne room and bowed to the gods and goddesses. "Rise Perseus Jackson," I flinched at my name " Have been summoned to Olympus to be killed. We Olympians have decided that you are getting too powerful and if not made a god you may overthrow us. You shall be executed in one week time. That should give you enough time to say goodbye. Also, swear on the River Styx not to tell anyone of what we have just talked about or you will be sent to Hades sooner rather than later," Zeus boomed, glaring at me.

I was shell- shocked. After all I did for them, this is how they repay me? I wasn't about to go on a killing rampage though. I swallowed my anger and nodded to the Olympians, not looking any of them in the eye.

When I got to camp I just told them that we had to speak about "important" matters. Annabeth wasn't convinced, though she let it slide. I spent that night wondering how could I word it so I wouldn't be breaking my swear...

************FLASHBACK END**********************

I pushed the memory out of my head. I continued walking until I came to the forest. You see I found this weird forest a week ago that seemed to protect me, except some places were blocked off as if there was a force field. The part I could walk in was awesome.

The trees were black and sea green and there was marine life everywhere. When I first came I talked to all the fish chatting about random things. Though they all wondered why I was sad. I reassured them that I was all right and then quickly changed subjects

(Which I became good at after a few lessons with my frien- acquaintances the Stolls). The only reason I was out in that ally was because I had to get supplies and I was attacked as soon as I stepped foot out of my forest.

Anyway, I quickly walked into my section and relaxed, until I saw that Thalia and Nico couldn't get in. I also saw a herd of monsters coming straight at them, probably wanting to eat some of the big three's children for breakfast.

I didn't know what to do! If I stepped out more would come, but if I stayed in they would die. Sure they hurt me, but they were the only ones who actually came searching for me, for which I greatly appreciated. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

" I Perseus Jackson, allow Thalia Grace and Nico Di' Angelo to enter my forest," I whispered. Um mph! Thalia and Nico fell face first into the ground in my forest, since they were leaning against the force field.

"How did that happen?" Thalia asked looking at me for answers. I only shook my head indicating I didn't know why they could't come in and why I was the only one who could let them in. The earth began to shake and my cousins fell to the ground ( I didn't because my ex-father was the earth shaker). When we looked to see what happened, we saw two new forests. One that was black and red and totally Nico's type. And another that was electric blue with storm clouds brewing above it.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment any suggestions. Also, I will be adding a character and I will make that character as yourself if you comment first! Please tell me what you want your name to be, your powers, appearance, godly parent, and personality. Also add any additional info you think would be a great addition [ Now closed, sorry ] . Peace out 

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