14 | Vine Cocoons and Stupid Satyrs

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Skye POV~

 My feet crunched on the freshly grown grass. We were marching down south, trying to find our "home". We were currently in New York, heading south to our destination. I have to admit, I was nervous. Having heard the prophecy and description of the lady, who wouldn't be a bit on edge? 

We were going on a quest to someone we barely even knew, who insisted we were her children. This lady deserves to be in a mental asylum! 

We had just seen the WELCOME TO CENTRAL PARK sign when the music started playing. The awful, ear splitting music. We all whipped our heads around to see an innocent satyr standing there, eyes shut. I would have continued walking if it weren't for the evil smile plastered on his face. 

" Umm.. guys," I didn't get to continue when the satyr opened his eyes, revealing a golden pair underneath. He cackled loudly before bringing his reeds to his mouth. I had only enough time to cover my own ears before a shrill note echoed throughout the park. 

I watched in horror as vines started to wrap itself around Percy, his eyes widening in shock. He struggled to move as the vines started to grow higher and higher. None of us could do anything, that stupid satyr had wrapped vines around our feet, making us unable to move. 

The vines continued to grow until all that was left was a cocoon of vines wrapped around the hero of Olympus. You could hear him struggling to breath as the vines squeezed around him, most likely breaking some of his ribs in the process. 

I watched as a doorway opened in the ground, the same doorway Orpheus had used to try and get away with his wife's soul. The vine coffin containing Percy was thrown in there, with the satyr leading it. The vines around our feet started to weaken as the satyr moved his focus to Percy.

With one last evil smile, the satyr closed the doorway. With both him and Percy sealed inside it.

Percy POV~

I couldn't see anything. The vines were wrapped so tightly around me, it was as if I was wearing a bandanna over my eyes. I could barely breath without having a leaf fly into my mouth. I heard my friends screaming my name , only to be cut off by an eerie silence.

It was as if there was a barrier between us, that we were now in separate worlds.

Where was I any way? 

 I actually kind of feel bad for this satyr. I could tell straight away it was possessed by an eildon ( hence the golden eyes ), but I reacted too slowly. He's going to feel terrible when he wakes up. 

I could tell I was in the air, seeing that the vines weren't moving at my feet. So as far as I could guess, this satyr was

A, taking me to some evil place,

B,  I would most likely be in a lot of pain

C, going to be very guilty afterwords. 

I heard the clop of his hooves against the what I think a rocky terrain. I continued to float in my little prison when I heard water. I instantly thought of using it to attack the satyr , when I felt something wrong with it. Screams of agony ran through my ears, begging me to release them. That they did nothing wrong. 

The Acheron. The River of Pain, where the souls of the damned-murders go for ultimate punishment. One of the five rivers of the Underworld. But if we were passing by the Acheron, then that means...

 A sudden lurch, made my stomach queasy. What's happening now? I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I was terrified. I felt weightless. I suddenly remembered I could control water in objects. Wow, I'm such an idiot sometimes. I evaporated the water in the vines in front of my face, thus making them go limp and giving me some vision.

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