21 | A nasty hunter

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21 | A slut of a hunter

Skye POV~

Leo and I chase after Thalia and Nico. We bound down the hallways, forgetting for a moment that we could die at any moment.

But I did not really care about that. For once we were not all worrying about the next day, whether we would live long enough to see the next sunrise.

Had I been paying attention I would have noticed Thalia and Nico stopped. But do not blame me, blame ADHD.

Anyway, I ended up bumping into Thalia, who was pushed into Nico, who was pushed towards the door, opening it.

I never would have thought that the domino effect actually worked.

The door creaked open and revealed a park. How a park with grass and sunshine is somehow underground, I have no clue.

I heard two gasps from behind me. I turned to see Jason's cage breaking apart.

Great, is everyone going to be out? Because I do not want to deal with Annabeth at all today.

Once Jason's cage finally withered away a shocked expression was clear on his face.

"Why is Leo out?"

What am I suppose to say? Oh Jason, we are just going to be befriending Leo so becomes our little spy and tells us about all your conversations?

Yea, no.

My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat, because I did not do anything but stare dumbly at Jason. Thank the gods Leo piped in.

"Oh ya know. I am the McShizzle man, these ladies just could not bear to keep me locked up! We all know everyone loves Leo!" He exclaimed wiggling his eyebrows.

I had to bite on my lip to contain my laughter. Ignoring Leo's comment, Jason looked over at me.

"Why is he out? And answer honestly or I will electrocute you!" He growled, making lightning come down for an added affect.

Man, what's got his panties in a twist?

"Why are you threatening my friend, Brother," Thalia asked coldly.

Jason nearly jumped two feet.

"Oh h-hey Th-Thalia, didn't see you here," Jason stuttered, his voice an octave higher than usual.

Wimp. Can not even stand up to his own big sister.

And they say this guy is a leader? Of what, baby toys?

I chuckled inwardly at my own little joke. I guess I had some weird expression on my face because Leo was looking at me like I was crazy.

"How you did not see me standing just a few feet away from you, I have no clue. However, I do know this." Thalia took a menacing step towards Jason,"If you ever speak like that to my family again I will make sure it is the last thing you ever do."

And with that Thalia turned to Nico and began to brain storm ideas in why we were here.

How could she act so calmly?

I suppose it comes with being a child of the Big Three.

Glad I am not one of them, I would most likely die if I had to act all tough like that.

I realized I had zoned out and began to listen to Leo and Jason's conversation.

"Why the Hades are you out here, Leo?! And tell me the truth," Jason barked. How could he act so harsh to one of his best friends.

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