7 | Not everyone has a perfect childhood

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7 | Not everyone has a perfect childhood

Thalia POV~

 We decided to allow the girls to stay with us. I mean , we can't send them back to Camp Shi- I mean Half-Blood. As we let them take a look around the forest they asked about the fourth one. I didn't know what to say. " Well, you see we can't get in because its not meant for us."

" What do you mean?"

" We're not exactly sure, but we know that these forests were meant for us. I mean come on. Who else besides that Sea- Scum Poseidon would enjoy a forest made of marine life? All I know is that one day, this fourth person will some and take this forest as their own."

Lyddia and Skye looked at each other and took a step towards the forest.

" Wait a minute you'll get blas-"

They stepped into the forest,

Without getting blasted back.

Well that's new.

Looks like we found our fourth and fifth part of our family.


Later at the campfire, I told Percy and Nico about the fourth forest. They high-fived Lyddia and Skye and congratulated them.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking why are you congratulating us?" Lyddia asked politely.

Percy smiled kingly. " Lyddia, now that you and Skye share that forest we thought you might want to stay here. Become part of our small broken family." He asked while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Lyddia POV~

Did Percy Just ask that? Happiness surged through me and I can tell Sky looked happy too. We said in perfect sync,

" Why wouldn't we?"

After a delicious dinner of mashed potatoes and grilled chicken, we all settled down on our logs that served as chairs.

" Tell us some things about you," Thalia asked Skye and I.

" Well I went on a quest at the age of-" I started, but was soon cut off by Thalia.

"No, your really story. Your childhood, friends, even your favorite color."

I shifted on my log, not exactly eager to talk about my childhood. Nico came to the rescue.

" Well guys, maybe we don't have to talk about that particular subject.."

"Fine, you tell us your story we'll tell you ours," Thalia reasoned.

I heard Skye sigh beside me.

"Fine, when I was younger, like 5 months, my parents died in a car crash. I was in an orphanage for most of my life, until a satyr found me when I was 6. While in the orphanage,I was forced to do everyone elses' chores and my life was a living hell."

"If I didn't do their work they'd tease me about my parents, saying they were idiot drunks and that I was going to end up just like them. I didn't let them get to me though, but it still stung. At age 3, Lyddia showed up and we became the best of friends. At camp we stuck together and helped me through  keeping my parentage a secret. That's why you may know me as Skye, Daughter of Hermes." Skye told us, tearing up a bit about the drunk part.

"I guess that's my cue. Well, I was orphaned at 2 and a half, but managed to stay on my feet in the Big Apple, before the social workers caught me. Yes, I know it may sound unbelievable to be 2 and not get caught. My mother's powers helped alot though. When I came to the orphanage at 3, I couldn't believe what they did to Skye. I tried for the most part to keep the bullies away from her. At camp we became insufferable. Oh, and my dad and "mom" died when their train ran off course." I told them, choking up about my dad.

The trio told us about their life and I was surprised. Sure I'd heard stories about the great mini Big Three, but never were they this descriptive and they usually covered a lot up with lies. I never knew Percy was abused as a child and that the reason Nico is emo is not because he is a son of Hades, but because when his sister passed most of his happiness went with her.

Skye and I never heard what happened between Annabeth and Percy, unless you counted the lies that Anna-bitch fed the camp. I started to cry when Thalia told us how she died, since no one there was close enough to see what actually happened.

Who knew they all have such a broken past.

But I suppose that's why we got along so well.

Because we are not  broken.

Just bent.

Well I hoped you enjoyed this quick update! I will try to update this fast more often. Also, to let you know, I now have two more fanfictions posted. One is called Hunted ( A Percy Jackson/Avenger FanFiction) and the other is The Ice King : A Pione Fanfiction. I think you will like them. Sadly only one chapter is uploaded for each, seeing that I wrote both today. So take a peek at those two stories and have a great day( or night).

~ Stuckbetween2worlds

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