17 | Did these idiots not know that curiosity killed the cat?

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Thalia POV~

We had been walking for ages.

After cleaning up camp and heading up, I whistled for my clouds to come. As did Nico for skeletons.

They arrived in a flurry, their fluffy faces slightly pink from the fly to here from there.

" What do you need Lady Thalia?" Olivia asked politely, while I was mentally face-palming.

" How many times do I have to say ,to not call me that!" I yelled. They simply ignored me. How rude.

Sighing I said, " I need you help carry Lyddia, you remember her right?" They nodded," Well she's in some sort of coma and it would be greatly appreciated if you could carry her."

I think that was the politest thing I've ever said. The clouds looked at me like I was joking, " Of cpurse we would Lady Thalia! There is no need to even ask!" Kevin flew off, most likely to go fetch Lyddia away from Skylar.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the skeletons bowing to Nico, who had his head in his hands. I had to keep myself from laughing.

I walked over to him and poked his shoulder, " How's it going over here neeks?"

" Don't call me that! And yes it's going fine. Oh and by the way, your clouds are carrying first.


" I told you Olivia is tired! She can't hold her anymore," I yelled at Nico.

" Let all the monsters know we're here why don't you! And I told you Gary is tired, " Nico retorted, pointing towards one of his skeletons," Don't even get me started on Ken!"

I heard something rustle, but I was too angry to care. I marched up right to Nico and was about to slap him for being sarcastic, when some people jumped out of the bushes.

There stood,

those idiot son of a bitches. ( A/N sorry for cursing. But it's Thalia. )

Leo POV~

I swear my mouth touched the ground.

Right there in front of us were the legendary , son and daughter of the Big Three. And they did not look happy.

Thalia marched right up to me and punched me right in the chest. Is it only me, or did she get stronger.

She glared at everyone and announced in a low whisper, " Now listen here you assholes. You speak nothing of this encounter, you hear me? Or I will personally hunt you down and kill you, each and everyone of you."

Jason opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by Nico, " Can it, Son of Jupiter. We don't want to hear your excuses."

They turned around to leave, when Annabeth grabbed Nico and put a dagger to his throat.

" Not so fast, Thalia. You are staying right here or your beloved cousin gets it. Answer me right now, have you seen that scum, Percy Jackson?'

I immediately began to scowl. I hated Jackson, he was a cheating, power hungry, asshole. He deserved to rot in Tartarus for the rest of his days.

Before I even bat an eye, two people jumped out of the trees and grabbed Piper and Hazel.

They went and stood by Thalia, daggers beneath both Piper's and Hazel's neck. The two skeletons that I hadn't noticed grabbed Jason and Frank, holding them in a death grip with swords underneath their chins.

I watched as a cloud zoomed towards me and brought me high in the air, though not to high that no one could see me and I couldn't see them. Everyone's face was terrified, and if I had a mirror, I'm sure mine would be too. I felt my shoes slipping off my feet and one coincidentally hit Frank in the head. I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

I Am Alone: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now