16 | A new ( stupid ) Quest!

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Nico POV~

I stood there for a second, my mouth agape.

Here I was with my friend boiling over a pot. And I had thought my day couldn't get any worse.

I looked over at Thalia and made a split second decision.

I charged at one of cyclops that was surrounding the boiling cauldron.

Stupid, I know. But all I really cared about was getting Lyddia down.

I grabbed onto the cyclops' grimy clothing and flipped onto his neck. I raised my Stygian Iron sword before screaming ( why I don't know ) and plunging it into its neck, like killing a Titan. ( A/ N if you know where that's from your awesome ) I decapitated it and jumped onto the next Cyclops this one began to turn into dust.

Soon all seven cyclops that were surrounding Lyddia were vaporized in my fury.

Doing what I like to call a Jason, I used the shadows to fly me over to Lyddia and grab her. Oh and did I mention I looked like a hotter version of Superman.

Ah superman. I felt a pang in my heart, like it was suddenly squeezed. The betrayal was fresh in my mind.

I cleared my thoughts and focused in Lyddia. Whatever she had been about to say must have been important. Or that weird monster wouldn't have bit her at the same exact moment.

I checked her vitals and put my face to her chest.
Ewe,not to do that you pervert.

I checked her breathing and sure enough she was. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Thalia peered over my shoulder," She looks like she's in a a coma, there must have been something in that poison.

" No Styx , Sherlock. So how are we going to transport her?" I ask, gritting my teeth. Thalia wasn't making this any easier.

Thalia put up her hands in mock surrender, " Take a chill pill Nico. We'll take turns carrying her and maybe i can get some clouds to carry her for most of the trip."

That was actually a pretty good idea. Not that I would admit that.

" I'll call some skeletons to carry her for the next hour. Call your cloud friends after that," I walked off desperately in need of a plan.

What would Percy do?


What's his deal?

He just got all uptight and started acting weird. I don't know what I did.

I knelt down to pick up Lyddia, who was much lighter than she looked. Her long dark hair looked as if had been in a whirlwind. She looked like sleeping beauty, completely at peace. Her eyelids were shut tight, masking her chocolatey eyes.

Her mouth was slightly open, reminding me of her last words. Which I hope were not her last.

She was about to say something that must have been extremely important, by the look of realization on her face. What? What had she been about to say?

I guess we'll never know. Not until she's up and well again.

I held her bridal style and carried her back to camp.

I saw Skye sitting near the little fire we had, sharpening her dagger. When she saw her best friend in my arms, a mile wide smile stretched across her face. Then it shifted into a worried smile.

Skye began to bombard me with questions like, " Is she okay?" or, " Will she wake up yet?" I didn't really have an answer though. I wasn't an Apollo spawn who can pretty much heal anything and everything.

I Am Alone: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now