18 | A Soul has risen, and seems to have emotional issues

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Skylar POV~

My internal radar was beeping like crazy. We had reached it.

And what we reached was a dump.

"Uh... Moon Girl... are you sure it's here?" Thalia asked looking at me skeptically.

"Yes I'm sure... maybe there is some secret?" I answered, looking around.

I am a bit surprised I did not notice it earlier. 

A huge rock was towering a good ten feet away from us.

How I didn't see that, I don't even know.

I approached the rock hesitantly. i looked behind me only to see everyone shrug. 

I slowly reached out and brushed the dust off the rock.  There it read:

Daughter of Love and Son of Death. Can you send this soul on this way?

"Hey guys come and look at this."


We spent a good five seconds thinking this over when , something started to rise out of the ground. Rather, someone.

We heard the dead whisper in our ears, do not keep her. It is not her!

Wispy smoke began to swirl around and join together to start to mold the shape of that of a female. 

One of our skeletons, who were holding Piper, began to convulse violently. And soon combusted into a million pieces.

"John!" Nico screamed, diving towards the ashes of the skeleton. Piper's cage began to untangle itself, slowly showing her chocolatey hair.

Soon she sat there, looking very confused.

Daughter of Love and Son of Death.

"Piper, Nico! I need you to come here! We need you two to send this back to its grave!" I yelled over the commotion.

The figure began to become more solid.


They both ran over here in a flurry. "What?" They both asked simultaneously. 

I gestured towards the swirling ghost and the rock.

I guess they had enough brain cells to figure it out.

Piper began to speak, sing almost. It was like a lullaby, telling the ghost to go back to sleep.

"Sleep now my friend,

Put this to an end.

Close your eyes,

and dream a dream.

Go back now,

And sleep an eternal sleep."

Her charm speak was so powerful, I had to forcefully keep myself awake. Which involved a lot pinching.

Nico was at Piper's side, waving his arms and speaking in ancient Greek,

" Ι, Ο βασιλιάς φάντασμα, διατάζω να αναπαυθούν εν ειρήνη."  (a/n It translates to- I, The Ghost King, command you to Rest in Peace)

The ghost's face flickered, as if deciding whether or not to join the land of the living.

I caught a flash of silver, dark eyes, and a bow. Who's ghost could this be? (a/n take a guess)

I Am Alone: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now