Meeting X at X Phase X One

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A girl walked through the streets of Zaban City. She was short, but not too short. Her hair went halfway to her waist when at full length but when she braided it her hair went to her shoulder blades. The tips were a deep blood red but they evened out to a rose-pink color throughout the rest of her hair. She kept her hair in two separate braids. Sometimes they covered her shoulders and chest and other times they would be behind her. She also had bangs that ended right above her eyes in a mess of different strands of hair. For reasons she can't explain even to herself, her hair sparkles in the light like the ocean reflecting the sunset.

Her skin was pale. So pale you'd think she'd seen a ghost or had been sick recently. Her eyes were medium sized, upturned and circular on the sides. They were a bright golden-yellow that made her appear angelic, but anytime she got sad, angry, or murderous in nature they were a deep crimson that almost looked like blood making her appear demonic. She had a small turned up nose.

The girl wore a pale blue t-shirt that had a feather design imprinted on the front. She had a purple, thin jacket tied around her waist. She wore a pink skirt that ended right above her knees. The skirt wasn't pleated, and flowed in the wind when she walked. When she stood still it matched her figure, which really wasn't something to be bragging about around 'other girls'. She wore black high tops that went halfway up her calves and socks that ended right above her knees that didn't match her 'pastel' look at all, but she loved those shoes. She also had a small, black bag on her back that had everything she needed.

You'd think she'd be as graceful as a butterfly floating in the wind, but nope! She was practically the exact opposite. As she walked along the sidewalk looking for the restaurant she was told the exams would take place at, her foot snagged on a crack in the sidewalk and she fell straight to the ground with a thud.

There was no reason to get up, so she stayed there for a moment, reevaluating her priorities. It didn't take long at all, as she didn't have much of a life. She also didn't have a lot of dignity; she lost that a long time ago. Deciding that it might be a good idea to get off the ground, she stood up, brushing herself off.

She continued walking. As she neared the restaurant she quietly came inside, said the password, and was escorted to an elevator in the back of the restaurant.

"Wow. I'm finally getting to do this..." Usagi marveled at her own self accomplishment. Deciding to take the Hunter Exam was probably the biggest choice she'd ever made, and possibly the most important. She had some unfinished business to take care of.

Once she reached the one-hundredth floor, she got a number tag that read '97'. "I got here really early, didn't I..." She thought. Having nothing else to do she went to one wall and leaned up against it, taking a rest as she had been traveling for a while.

She looked up after a couple of minutes, just in time to catch a glimpse of someone before they disappeared into the horde of people. He had fluffy, white hair and appeared to be Usagi's age. A few tiny red lines appeared on her cheeks. "Why am I attracted to guys with white hair?" She thought. It really was an issue for her.

After attempting to convince herself that she liked people for their faces and personality, not just their hair color, she dozed off, this time sitting down against the wall. After taking a short nap she stood up and realized there were more people there than before. She looked around, only to find someone was walking towards her. He was short and round. Once he walked up to her he started talking.

"Hey. I'm Tonpa," He stated blandly. Usagi saw a weird look in his eyes. "I see you're new this year. A rookie," He stated, emphasizing the last part. Usagi eyed him up and down. She didn't like the way he was standing. Something was off about him.

Neither of them realized it but they were being watched by three people. One with black, spiky hair. Another with blonde hair. And the last with shorter black hair than the other.

"Here, I have a drink that can help with this exam. I've taken it a lot and it's difficult. This stuff will definitely do some work," He said, pulling a can out of his bag. He had an evil glint in his eyes that Usagi didn't like.

When the group of three saw that they walked over to get her attention. Tonpa held out the drink. Usagi eyed the beverage cautiously. She took it. Now the three were really trying to get her attention.

Then Tonpa said something he would soon regret. "Y'know, you're pretty cute, so I'll give you another if you want, or just help on the exam," He stated, snickering. Usagi got an evil glint in her eyes. She snatched the can, opened it, and socked the guy right in the jaw, completely taking him by surprise. The three stopped and stared.

"I don't take kindly to grubby old men calling me cute!!" She shouted. She smelled the contents of the can. "Huh, laxatives? You are evil... But not as evil as me," She stated, an evil smirk on her face and she practically forced the fluid into him. Well, he was out.

The three ran over. "That was awesome! We were just coming to warn you about him, too!" The one with spiky black hair said, smiling.

"You're pretty strong for someone your height," Said the blonde, though he was smiling so as to not make it offensive.

"Tch!" It was the tall guy with the short black hair that said that. She looked at him. Usagi had been smiling from the comments, but now she had a neutral look on her face. "Aren't you a little young for the Hunter Exams?" He asked.

She glared at him. "Aren't you a little old to he hanging out with teenagers?" She retorted. They started arguing.

They immediately stopped talking when someone started speaking. His name was Satotz, and he told everyone to follow him. They all started running. Usagi kept a steady pace.

"I guess I don't mind these people. I'll follow them for a while," She thought. The four of them ran for a while before the one with short black hair, who said his name was Leorio, fell behind. Gon did an awesome trick with a fishing pole to get his dropped case after he had bolted, confidence having been restored.

The trick attracted the attention of the same white haired boy from before. He rode his skateboard over to Gon, the one with the fishing pole. The two started talking.

"I'm Killua," He introduced.

"I'm Gon!" Said Gon in reply.

The two looked over at Usagi expectantly. She turned pink at the sudden stares, only to realize that Leorio and the blonde named Kurapika had run somewhere else, leaving her there with those two. Her fingers fidgeted as she brought them in front of her.

"I-I'm Usagi," She said quietly. Usagi was always shy at first to people that she just met, but after she gets to know people she is the most rambunctious person alive. The two looked at her.

"Gon? Usagi?" Killua paused," I'll run too." He jumped off his skateboard and put it under his arm. The three started talking, beginning their friendship.

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