Fear X And X Training

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As Usagi stared at her sister's writing on the paper she realized something that made her shudder in fear.

"I am so outclassed... She can rip me to shreds..." Usagi thought, her eyes were wide and shaky as she remembered all the times Sachiko had asserted her power over her.

"But... I have to protect my friends... I won't let them get hurt if I can help it!
But I'll need help... If anyone finds out about my Blood Eyes..." Usagi covered her left eye with her hand and stared at the floor with the other.

"... Father will really kill me..."

It had always been a well kept secret in the Amestuchi household that Usagi's eyes could become red and bloodied in an instant. Along with another secret that her family was doing the best they could to keep from anyone, even Usagi.

"I hate to admit it, but I need help... But from who?" She thought for a moment before answering herself out loud.


And with that word she ran out of the apartment and straight to Wing and Zushi's apartment.


"You want me to what?!" Wing shouted in shock after Usagi had explained the situation and how she needed his help.

Strangely, Usagi managed to keep a serious face. "Please! I just need you to do this one favor for me!" Usagi pleaded, her eyes shining with determination.

Wing slammed his hand into the table on front of them. "I refuse to attack you just to make you stronger!! How will that help you any?!"

Usagi's expression softened as she looked at the floor, unable to maintain eye contact. "I just... want to protect my friends," Usagi stated quietly before getting serious again by slamming her own fist onto the table as Wing had done previously, however when Usagi did it there was an indent made from her fist.

"I don't want to become physically stronger, but mentally. If I can keep my cool and not let my Blood Eyes take over then I've succeeded. I can't let anyone find out about them, and if I let my emotions control me like a puppet then I won't succeed either!! I need you to teach me to control myself!!! Please!" Usagi shouted.

Wing thought for a moment before saying, "When is the fight?"


"Hmm... I guess we should get started soon then..."

Usagi's expression changed from serious to elated at his words.

"We start immediately," Wing said before walking away. He motioned for Usagi to follow.

The two left the apartment and headed towards a park. Since it was late at night there was nobody there; the perfect training ground.

"Okay, I'm going to do things to make you get mad or frustrated, but you have to show no emotions while I do so, or else you'll be punished in some way. Not only will be forced to endure me doing not only annoying, but angering things to and around you, but you'll have no choice but to sit quietly in fear of the punishment that will come if you don't. Get it?" Wing explained.

Usagi nodded before sitting down up against a tree as Wing stood in front of her. She kept a neutral expression as she anticipated what was to come.

"Imagine I am Sachiko, and I say that I am going to kill you. What is your reaction?"

"I have stared death in the face on several occasions. That doesn't scare me," Usagi said blankly, retaining a neutral expression.

"What if I threaten to torture you? What's your reaction then?"

"Go ahead," Usagi mumbled.

"How about... if I threaten to torture Gon?"

Usagi's eyes widened as she imagined it. "H-He's strong, so it's not like you could anyway," She managed to get out.

"But what if I torture Killua?"

That phrase packed the power of an atomic bomb in Usagi's mind, and she gasped in response.

"No... he's been through to much already... stop... WAIT THIS IS JUST WHAT SACHIKO WOULD WANT!!!"

Usagi grimaced before going back to a neutral expression. "... Go ahead..." She whispered.

Wing held a hand to his ear and said,"Sorry, what was that?"

Usagi's head snapped up and her eyes turned red as she stood up and looked him in the eye. "I SAID GO AHEAD, IDIOT!!!!!"

Her expression changed to sadness as she realized what she had done. "I guess... I can never control it," Usagi mumbled as she covered her face in her hands. "So... what's my punishment?"

"Knowing that if you keep acting like a child when you don't get something right the first time, Killua and Gon will have to pay for it," Wing said, seriousness in his voice.

Usagi looked at him with bloody eyes. "Sorry..."

"It's okay for now, this was just the first time," Wing assured before asking,"How long until your eyes return to normal?"

Usagi was shocked at this question, but she answered nonetheless. "Depends on how worked up I am. Right now I'd say three minutes."

Wing nodded in understanding. Once the three minutes were over he ordered Usagi to stand on her feet.

"We're going to use a different approach, but the same rules apply; don't get too worked up because a calm fighter is a better fighter. In other words, no emotion," Wing explained.

Usagi nodded in understanding, but barely had a chance to react before Wing slapped her hard across the face.

Because she wasn't allowed to, she showed no emotion. "Don't get mad. I can't let myself get blinded by emotions... because if I do... I may not get a chance to protect them in the future!"

Wing kicked her side the next time, and she fell to the ground. Usagi got up on her own and continued to show no signs of hatred towards Wing for hurting her. For the next attack, he used words and physical attacks.

"You can never protect anyone!"
He punched her cheek.
"Sachiko is going to destroy you!"
That time he kicked her legs.
"Killua will never be more than a friend to you!"

At that comment Usagi's eyes grew wide with shock.  "What made you-" She was interrupted by a punch to the face.

"Do you give up?" Wing asked as he watched Usagi hunch over.

"N-no. I have to learn how to do this... or else-" She looked up at Wing to reveal bloody tears streaming down her face, "-Killua and Gon will pay for it! I don't care what happens to me... I'll be fine as long as I know they're okay..."

Wing's eyes widened at her words. "This girl... her Nen is so powerful that she could use it to gain so much power for herself upon mastering it... but no! Her top priority is the safety of her friends! Her Nen is scary nonetheless... but if she uses it for good, well, who knows..." Wing thought, zoning out for a minute.

"Do you want to continue?" Usagi asked, wiping the blood off her face.

Wing looked surprised then determined. "I can help you train all night! After all, the day after tomorrow is the big fight, and you need to master this," He said, a serious look on he face.

Usagi had a determined look on her eyes as she nodded, preparing herself for the training that was to come.





I hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I love writing it :3

See ya!

Happy New Tear


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