Preparing X to X Hunt

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The five of them stood in a hallway, Leorio and Kurapika were next to each other while Killua, Gon, and Usagi stood across from them.

"I've made up my mind," Kurapika started. "I'm going to go after the Phantom Troupe again."

"Don't say we can come...!" Killua internally shouted at Kurapika.

However, Kurapika did exactly the opposite and said, "I've decided to let you help, because you said you wanted to."

The group then sat down at a table as Kurapika explained his chains and how they could be used. "If this is going to work, I'm going to need at least half of a second where they aren't paying attention to me to get their leader, a full second if possible. Gon, can you be a decoy?"

"Yes," Gon told him.

"Wait Kurapika, that sounds a little dangerous. Can I be a decoy instead?" Usagi offered.

"No way!" Killua interrupted. "I'll be a decoy! Kurapika!"

He sighed before saying, "neither of you can be a decoy because I need you to keep an eye on the Troupe for us. Leorio, you need to be my driver, and I'll capture the boss with my chains.

"We'll be working in teams, so Killua and Usagi stay together while Gon, Leorio, and I stay together."

"Ne, Kurapika, point one of your Nen blades on my heart," Gon stated determinedly.

The other four gasped as Kurapika said, "why would I do that?! What good would it do?!"

"Then why do you have one pointed at your heart?" Gon pointed out. "I thought you could only use them against the Spiders?"

Kurapika looked at Gon with a shocked expression as he asked, "can you three leave? I don't want to drag too many people into this."

Usagi and Killua were about to object when Leorio cut them off. The three got out of their chairs and walked into the hallway.

"What're they saying?! Lemme seeeeeee!!" Usagi whisper shouted from behind the door. Leorio and Killua had to grab both of her arms to keep her from revealing that they were listening in on their conversation as they stuck their heads over to see.

"Hey," Killua started quietly, so Leorio and Usagi stopped struggling. "Why did we leave anyway?"

"Because Kurapika didn't want us to find out to much and get us hunted," Leorio answered.

"Tch, some friends we are," Killua stated. "We should be just as deep in this as they are!"

Usagi stared at him before saying, "I agree." So the three of them sneaked behind Kurapika's chair and listened how he explained that he had a Nen blade pointed at his heart to make his Nen stronger. After he had explained that only two of his chains were really meant for killing the Phantom Troupe, the three of them popped out from behind the chair, putting their arms on the booth to look cooler, obviously.

"Honestly," Killua started. "You must think we can't keep secrets, do you?"

"Leprio! Killua! Usagi! It's not that..." Kurapika explained quietly.

"We know, we know. Don't let that one lady read our memories," Leorio started.

"But seriously," Usagi began before glomping him from behind. "Do you think we'd just leave you to do this yourself?"

Kurapika smiled before saying, "I have some good friends..."

After their moment of enjoying being back together, they went back to the room where they worked on the finer points of their plan. Usagi told Kurapika that he'd need a disguise, so she helped in that department.

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