Dreams X Memories

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"Whe- Where am I..?"
Usagi was in a dark room. She didn't recognize it at first, but then reality hit her like a truck.

"No. No! NO! NO I CAN'T BE BACK!!" She struggled, only to realize that her hands were bound in chains that were attached to the wall, and her feet attached to the floor.

"IT CAN'T BE!!! HOW DID I GET BACK HERE?!?! ANSWER ME!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" She panicked. That was the hard part; not knowing. She could be anywhere. At anytime. And Usagi would never know.

"Welcome back, Usagi," Said a female voice, her tone all but friendly. Usagi's eyes widened.

"No... It can't be. I would never come back he-" SLAP! Her voice was cut off abruptly by the owner of the voice slapping her face.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your damn mouth shut!" They yelled. The door to the dark room she was on opened, though it didn't let in any light, she wish it had instead of what it did. Her mother.

Instantly, she came up and grabbed Usagi by the neck, squeezing. "Why did you even bother coming home, runt?!" She yelled.

"I- I don't know," She answered, cursing herself for stuttering. Her eyes were down.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!" Her mother yelled, jerking her head up. Usagi looked her mom in the eyes. "You dishonor the name Ametsuchi! How DARE you let a Zoldyck do better than us?! Of all the assassins!" She yelled.

Her mom wasn't talking about letting a Zoldyck do better ham Usagi, as she couldn't care less about that. Their families had a rivalry, being assassins and all. She was talking about making her father look bad.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for sorrys! Keep going, Sachiko. She deserves to suffer," She said, leaving the room.

Usagi gasped. She hated begging for mercy, but she couldn't stand that at all. "P-please... Anything but that!" She yelled. Her eyes were red and began leaking blood. Her mom smiled triumphantly, happy that she got her to crack.

"Sachiko..." Usagi had a faint spark of hope she'd tell her enough. But that spark quickly died. "Don't stop until there is as much blood all over her body as what comes out of those damn eyes."

Obeying, Sachiko got out a whip, lighter, and a rod that shoots out countless volts of electricity. "You have to learn somehow that bad behavior is not rewarded in this household." Sachiko began hitting her with the whip. "You must never let a Zoldyck do better than you!" She left.

Her sister whipped her over and over. She was bleeding, but not enough. Then her sister got out a lighter, and would come out from he shadows and burn her repeatedly. Then, she got out her least favorite; the electric rod.

She didn't even bother concealing her presence from Usagi. Sachiko stood right in front if her, tauntingly. She turned on the rod, and blue sparks lit the room. Usagi saw her sister's face. She looked happy, murderous even. Almost as if she'd kill her if she could, but she couldn't because her dad would be angry.

She put the stick in front of her face, taunting. Then, she thrust it onto her chest. She let out a shriek of pain. Her sister was laughing at her expense, her dress stained in Usagi's blood. She had that assassin Lolita look that Usagi hated but her mother loved.

She kept making the voltage higher on that thing. It was excruciatingly painful, and she was screaming her lungs out.

She woke up screaming, her face covered in blood. All four of them were hovering over her. Kurapika had been shaking her shoulder gently, Gon was poking her face, and Leorio was just watching. Killua had gone into hysterics listening to her cries. They sounded so real that it was scary.

She popped up, clutching her chest where her sister had electrocuted her. Everyone was panicking as they tried to calm her down. She looked around frantically. It was dark. Was she still in that hell she called home? Her eyes adjusted and she saw Kurapika, and lunged out to him, crying her eyes out.

"What was that?!" He asked, fear in his voice.

"J-just a bad dream-er-memory. But it's over now..." She answered.

"Are you okay, Usagi?" Gon asked.

"Yes, I'm fine..."

"No you're not!" Leorio yelled.

"Yes, I am!" She lied, her vision red and blurry.

"DONT LIE!!" Killua shouted. He came out from the corner of the room. Her eyes met his and she loosened her hold on Kurapika and just clutched his arm. "I know that look! I know those screams! People only sound that way when they're being severely hurt by their family, and are so close to death they could taste it!" His eyes began to water.

"So close that you just want to die to get it over with..." He finished. Usagi put her head down.

"I'm sorry for scaring you," She apologized. Killua ran over and hugged her. She hugged back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." She kept on apologizing.

"We-we're not at my... House, right?" She asked.

"No," Killua reassured, hugging her tighter. "That was a memory, wasn't it?" She nodded. "I'll kill whoever did that to you," He stated.

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because she's dead. I already killed her."

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