Goodbye X Promises

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He tried to walk away from Usagi and back to the other three, but she grabbed his shoulder. "Please don't walk away from me," She almost begged. He barely even looked in her direction as he brushed her hand off his shoulder and darted off into the shadowy forest.

"I'm sorry, Usagi. I just can't look you in the eyes and flat out lie to you. Please forgive me..." He thought to himself.

Usagi stared while standing where she was, dumbfounded. Suddenly she became determined to catch him and set things straight. She needed answers, and she was going to get them. She sprinted off following him, going fast enough to catch up and she ran in front of him to catch him.

"You seem to have forgotten that I'm an assassin too," She stated, a look of determination on her face. Killua looked slightly distressed, and a little red in the face. "Now, please tell me what's wrong!" She shouted, tears forming in her eyes.

"I can't because nothing is wrong," He lied, emotionless. Usagi clenched her fists and fought back tears.

"Stop lying to m-" She was cut off mid sentence when Killua's hand once again collided with her right cheek. As her head was quickly forced to look away, a few tears escaped, though they were normal tears. She stared wide eyed to her side as Killua began speaking.

"I have to lie because I don't want you to worry!!!" He screamed in a distressed tone. Usagi looked shocked, and then sad. Her lip quivered as a few tears fell.

"That's... That's the fourth time..." She mumbled, fighting off a stutter. Her head was lowered so he couldn't see her face. Killua looked confused so she explained saying,"That's the fourth time you've slapped me." She pointed to her red cheek that was slightly wet with her tears.

Killua looked surprised and regretful as he pulled her into an embrace. "I- It's just that... When you look at me like that... I feel as if I've done something wrong... And even though I don't mean to slap you, I do... I don't want to hurt you with what you want to know, so I slap you hoping you won't want to know anymore... Almost as if I... Don't want you to care about m-" This time it was Usagi's turn to slap him.

She had pulled away from him to slap him, and he was so surprised he almost fell backwards. "BAKA!!! YOU EXPECT ME NOT TO WORRY WHEN YOU DO THAT?!?!! IT DOESNT HELP WHEN YOU DO IT!!!!! IT JUST MAKES ME CARE ABOUT YOU EVEN MORE!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, almost sending Killua falling over in shock. She lowered her voice. "... Nothing you do will make me stop caring about you..." She mumbled.

Killua looked surprised and almost a bit happy. Usagi was now really crying so he tried to help her. "I'm sorry for making you cry," He apologized. She nodded. "To make up for it I can carry you back, if you want..." He offered, shyly. She nodded again.

Killua picked her up and put her on his back carefully. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her up under her thighs, then he sprinted off to the group. Once they were in the company of the others, he still didn't put Usagi down.

When they made it back to town, they all went to an airport to get flights to elsewhere. "I'm going to miss you!!" She said, hugging Kurapika. He smiled.

"I'll miss you too, but we're going to meet back up at the Yorknew Aution, remember?" He asked, smiling. They had just agreed to meet up there.

"I know," She said smiling. With that, Kurapika and Leorio got on an airship that would take them somewhere else. "Well, I don't know where to go," She said casually, shrugging her arms.

"What do you mean? Don't you have a goal?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, don't you? I want to give this tag back to Hisoka so I have to become stronger, Leorio wants to be a doctor, Kurapika wants to avenge his clan, and Killua wants to also get stronger. What do you want to do?" Gon asked.

Usagi thought before answering. "I guess I want to find my father and sister so I can beat their ungrateful asses, and I'll have to train to be able to do that," She said, shrugging.

"Then you should come with us!" Gon said smiling along with Killua.

"Yeah, it just wouldn't be the same without you," He said sweetly with a tint of pink to his face. She blushed and smiled softly.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" She exclaimed.

They began to talk about how strong Gon was compared to Hisoka. Killua drew a long line with Hisoka on one end and Gon all the way on the other side. He placed himself close to Hisoka, and Usagi about in the middle of him and Gon, though it appeared she was closer to Killua.

The three got on an airship that Killua said would take them to a great place to train. Killua sat with the window to his right and Gon to his left. Usagi sat on the other side of them. As Killua stared out the window, Usagi looked at Killua intently, causing him to blush a bit.

"Oi! Why are you staring at me?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Because you're acting differently," She noted.

"No I'm not," He said bluntly. That was when she stood up and punched him on the chest, making him double over.

"See? You are acting differently! Normally that would never have hurt you!" She said loudly. Killua looked shocked.

"Oh no. What if she..." He began, about to think of the worst case scenario. She pulled a first aid kit out of her bag and opened it, then she held out he hand.

"Take off your shirt."

"EEEEEHHHHHH?!?!! No way!" He shouted. "How can she say that with a straight face?!?!!"

"Dude, I know you're hurt, now take it off," She explained.




"Do it!!"


Enraged, she popped off her seat and attempted to take of his shirt forcefully, but he held it down. "Take off you're shirt!!"

"I don't want to!!" He yelled.

"TAKE OFF YOUR DAMN SHIRT, KILLUA!!!" She ordered, loudly. Gon sweat dropped as they got the attention of everyone on the airship.

"Uhhh.... You might want to stop..." He tried to intervene, but they didn't hear him.

"Why won't you let me help!?"

"Because there are people around!"

"I'm fine with that!!!"

"But I'M not!"

"Just take it off!!"

"Uh, Usagi, people are staring..." She looked up to see that everyone was staring at them.

"Bummer, I really wanted to help," She said sitting down, attempting to hide how embarrassed and red her face was.

Killua sighed and gave in. "If it means that much to you, I'll let you do what you want when we get to the arena. But because of how the fighting works you'll have to wait until after our first fights," He explained, also extremely embarrassed and red.

Usagi nodded, slowly getting lost in thought again. Then she realized. "Oh shit!!! I just realized that I'll have to see him without a shirt on!!!!" She mentally freaked out and started turning even redder as the airship slowly made its way to their destination.

Lol I had fun writing that scene XD but I'll probs have even more fun with the next one >:3

Ahh... Even though it's not KilluGon, I still think they're cute together :3 but then again they're my bias XD

Comment what you think of... How about... KillAgi! That can be their ship name if it works Lol


(Sorry for the typos, it was five in the morning and I had stayed up all night when I wrote this Lol)

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