Escape X The X Spiders

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"Usagi!" Killua and Gon shouted simultaneously. Usagi put a hand on her neck and smiled awkwardly as she walked over and stood before them.

"Sorry, I got caught," Usagi uttered, feeling a little bad that she couldn't help them escape.

Immediately the two stood up next to her and stared at how beat up she was. "How did you escape them in the first place?" Gon asked, dumbfounded.

"Well, actually–"

"I wanna know which one of them did this to you!" Killua interrupted, becoming the protective friend.

"O-oh, about that. None of them did, actually. I fell through the skylight," she explained, pointing at the roof without thinking about it.

"I won't tell them about Hisoka or Feitan. It'd worry them too much."

Usagi sat down in between them and sighed, wringing her hands. "That was completely useless of me; the least I could do was stay outside, even if it meant I wouldn't be able to help you escape. I feel like I failed you guys..."

"Usagi, don't worry about us and think about yourself for once!" Killua yelled at her, and she looked at him with her golden eyes.

"You shouldn't say that!" Gon shouted at them.

"Which one of us?" Usagi questioned, jabbing a thumb in Killua's direction.

"Both of you!" Killua and Usagi stared at him in shock as he stood up in front of them.

"You!" He pointed at Usagi, to which she replied by pointing at herself too. "Stop worrying about people who are perfectly fine when you're the one who's hurt!

"And you!" He pointed at Killua, who answered by looking at him weirdly. "Stop being so inconsiderate and say that we should always be prepared to die all the time! Your life isn't something you can just throw away, Killua!"

"Huh?!" Usagi gasped at what Gon said while Killua just looked down. "Explanation, please!"

Killua didn't answer, instead he just stood up and grabbed the collar of Gon's shirt while yelling, "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK! YOURE PROBABLY THE MOST RECKLESS PERSON HERE!"

"Yeah, but I'm allowed to talk about dying; you aren't!" Gon exploded back at him.

"Eh?!" Killua gawked. "Why you but not me?! And what about Usagi, huh?"

"You're not allowed to talk about dying because you'll take it too literally, and... I'm actually not sure about Usagi..." Gon admitted.

"DOES IT MATTER?!?!" Usagi burst as she stood up. "Can we just focus on the matter at hand, PLEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEE!!?!?!??!?"

Usagi sat down, crossing her arms and legs while tilting her head up and closing her eyes defiantly. Gon snapped his fingers suddenly, causing her to open one eye.

"I remember now! Killua, Usagi, Zepile didn't tell us about side-stomping, but side-stepping!" Gon exclaimed happily.

The two took the hint he was giving them, and grinned at how perfect it was. Suddenly they turned to face Nobunaga, who sat blocking the only exit in the confined room they were in. Each of them began walking slowly towards him, when out of nowhere Killua and Gon sprinted towards opposite sides of the wall, while Usagi thrust her foot into the floor beneath them.

The three of them created holes in the wall and floor, where they then dashed towards the exit. Nobunaga gasped at their plan before sneering.

"Which one do I go for?" As if answering his thought, he heard another wall break beneath him, and another to his right. "Fine, I'll go for the girl. But I don't know what she's capable of..." deciding he had to hurry to catch them, he walked forward and jumped down the hole she created and then promptly realized that she had actually broken through two floors.

"I doubt she'll be able to get back up here easily."

He followed hurriedly where the sound went, running through a room with an opening that led to another room with an opening to its left, which he dashed through.

Usagi peeked behind a stack of boxes in the room he had just exited and ran into the room that she had crashed down through. Quickly she conjured her wings and flew up silently.

"Huh, these seemed a bit too angelic for my taste at first, but they're actually really handy."

She ran through the hole in the wall one of them created that led to a hallway with windows on one side. Having not yet dissipated her wings yet, she made another dumb-ass choice and broke yet another window, using her wings to fly to the ground effortlessly, but admittedly more beaten up than before.

"Oi!!!" She called out to Killua and Gon who were standing in front of a high chain-link fence with barbed wire on top, waiting for her.

"Eh?! How'd you get even more scratched up than before?" Gon asked her.

"Oh, I've broken a lot of windows today," she answered sheepishly.

"Well, I don't like it," Killua admitted. "Don't do it again."

Usagi got a bit flustered before saying, "Yes, leader!"

The three then jumped over the fence easily, and before they started running Gon said, "That's a little more like you two!"

"What do you mean?" Killua asked.

"It's my job to say crazy stuff, Killua's to stay cool and stop me, and Usagi's to do it anyway!"

"Hence why I still broke the glass!!" Usagi exclaimed, jokingly.

"You two are such idiots," Killua mumbled as they started running.

Usagi and Gon were running side by side ahead of Killua as they turned their heads towards him when Usagi said, "but you love us anyway!" in a taunting vice.

He got flustered as he shouted his defense, "BAKA!!!" before running up next to Usagi.


Woah I am on a roll with this whole updating thing

Be proud of me *^*

Woohoo just a few more chapters and then I'll be at the Greed Island Arc!!

That's either my first or second fav arc I haven't decided haha




But I honestly think you'll like the character development lol

I'm a huge fan of that shit


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