Chasing X After X Killua

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When Usagi left the hallway she went straight to Kurapika. He walked over to her as well. "What happened? Why are you bleeding?!" He questioned, a bit of worry in his voice. Usagi had a strange look in her eyes, as if she wasn't really there.

"He slapped me. That's all," She mumbled, emotionless. Kurapika's eyes widened.

"What? Why?!" He asked, crouching down to be at eye level with her. He reached his hand out to wipe away the blood from her lip where she was hit.

"I don't know why, but you don't have to worry about me," She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Kurapika put his hands on her shoulders.

"Why wouldn't I worry about you?!" He asked, his voice was much louder than Usagi's.

"Because I always get hurt and it doesn't bother me, but because your one of my friends you'll get hurt instead. Please don't care about me," She pleaded, her tone cold and almost lifeless.

Those words cut Kurapika like a knife, but he couldn't deny them. Whenever she got hurt she couldn't care less, but he and Killua would try to help her anyway. She was speaking the truth, but lying at the same time.

"Usagi, I'll never stop caring about you!" He told her, feeling extremely bad for her that she felt this way.

"If you care about me you'll go help Killua. I don't know what's wrong with him but he's not alright," She told him, her eyes growing watery with normal tears. That was the most emotion Kurapika had seen her show since the fight, and it hurt his heart to see it.

"I will, but you have to promise me that you won't try to shut me out," He reasoned. She nodded, and he reached out and hugged her. Afterwards he got up and searched for Killua, leaving Usagi with Leorio.

He came back a few minutes later with a sad and frustrated look on his face. He went to Usagi and said,"I'm sorry, he won't listen to me. Maybe Leorio could try." He looked up at Leorio, who nodded as he walked off.

"What do you think will happen to Killua?" She mumbled, her eyes wide and pupils small and shaky. Kurapika hated seeing her like that.

"I don't know," He said, sadly. When Leorio came back he shook his head.

It was Leorio's turn to fight not long later. He had to fight Bodoro. The two were both ready to fight, when Killua suddenly came in the room.

Usagi looked so much happier once she saw him. "K... Killua..!" She managed to get out before she was completely shocked again.

Killua killed Bodoro, and was disqualified from the Hunter Exam. She stared in shock at the situation. Killua was then forced to leave, so he walked to the exit. She ran after him, of course, following him to the exit.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave," He said before closing the door, officially leaving. She stood there in shock, staring at where he had been.

Before she could protest, extreme anger flared up inside of her as she rushed to where Kurapika and the rest of the people who passed were. She slammed open the doors and ran down where Illumi was.

That was when she punched him square in the jaw. He didn't do anything to show that it hurt, or anything at all. "You're Usagi, right?" Was all he said.

Her anger spiked even more and she grabbed his shirt and pulled him out of his chair. Though she was speechless, there was a lot she wanted to say. "Yeah, so what?!" She managed to shout.

"I have no idea why Killua would think he wants to be your friend. He just can't decide if he wants to kill you or not," He said, emotionless. Usagi's eyes widened, though she still glared at him.

"How can you say that about your own brother!? You bastard!!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, emphasizing the curse word to show how pissed she was. Usagi grabbed his neck with her free hand and squeezed. "I oughta kill you right here and now!!!!!" She yelled, squeezing harder, then letting go.

"No. This is what my parents would have wanted, and I can't have that," She reasoned with herself. To let out her anger, she grabbed his left wrist with her right hand, and grabbed under his arm with her left hand and flipped him. Somehow he didn't fall though, making her mad.

She instead tightened her grip around his wrist so much that she felt his bones being crushed. "Where did Killua go?!" She asked, her tone surprisingly calm, though her eyes were burning with rage.

"He went home," He said. Usagi let go of him and walked up the stairs to Kurapika. After sitting down next to him, Gon came through the doors and repeated almost everything Usagi had just done, breaking his other arm instead.

After all of that fighting, they found out that Killua's home is on Kukuroo Mountain, and they decided to go there, but not before getting their hunter licenses. They went to use one the computers and Kurapika found airship tickets that would take them to the Republic of Padokea where they could make their way to Mount Kukuroo.

"Do you guys want to do this?" He asked, looking back at everyone behind him, Gon to his right, Leorio behind him, and Usagi on his left.

"Are you kidding me?! Yes!" Usagi almost shouted, ecstatic at the idea. Gon and Leorio both agreed so Kurapika bought the tickets.

They got in a taxi and headed over to the airport. They were close to missing their flight due to traffic when Gon had the idea to just run along the side if the road. Everyone got out and ran to the airport, making it there just in time. The four then set out for Killua's home to bring him back.

Oh my goodneeeees!!!!
Thank you for the views and votes! I thought no one would even look at my fan fic let alone enjoy it :3 thank you!

Also, sorry if there aren't a lot of Killua X Usagi/Reader moments at the time, and sorry if the Hunter Exam arc was boring XD I tried to make it interesting by revealing some things about Usagi :3 don't worry, though! There will be a TON of fluffy moments in this story arc and the Heavens Arena arc!

One last thing. I have a question for y'all. What do you think of me rewriting all of the story arcs? Do you think it's boring or interesting? If you could comment what you think that'd be great. To be honest, I'm rewriting it mainly because while I watch it I think of scenarios and how things could be changed if I was there so I decided to write it as a fan fiction :3 I think it's interesting. Thanks for reading!

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