Strong X And X Weak

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Finally the day had arrived when Killua, Usagi, and Gon were to fight Sachiko, Shoot, and Knuckle to get into NGL. Once they had met up at the park, the groups of two got together and while keeping powerful eye contact separated into different sections of the trees.

Gon and Knuckle stayed out in the open while Usagi and Shoot went under the cover of leaves as Killua and Sachiko were on the opposite side of the woods.

In silence the two stood, each staring the other down in an attempt at intimidation. Sachiko's skirt swayed in the breeze as branches rubbed against each other, grass rustling alongside it as the full moon illuminated their features.

Without a word the two had appeared in front of each other so fast it looked like teleportation, only to send several punches and kicks flying. Most were blocked, so after having tested the water of their skill sets they backed off.

Sachiko quickly conjured her kanzashi hair sticks, holding three in each hand between her fingers. Whipping her arm out she thrusted one after another towards him, rearing back to kick a few for an added boost. Killua managed to dodge each of them with minimal effort before sprinting towards her to shock her with his electricity.

Speaks flew from his hands as he thrusted them towards her in the blink of an eye, however she blocked his hand with a fan. Quickly she made a motion like fanning him away, causing him to jump back from her.

"Impressive- I wasn't aware of how you Zoldycks could stand when compared to an Amestuchi, such as myself," Sachiko stated, her eyes slanted as she had a devilish smile on her face that matched her honeyed voice.

"What did you decide?" he questioned, his tone serious.

Not even a split second later she had appeared in front of him, their noses nearly touching as she stared him in the eyes before whipping around and kicking him with the back of her calf, sending him flying backwards unexpectedly.

"You're undertrained," she stated, punching him in the stomach. "Weak." Jabbing her knee into his back she continued. "Soft." She appeared before him and with the palm of her iron-played gloves slammed him into the ground. At this point he was in pure shock at how she was able to so easily toss him like a rag doll, but at the same time he wasn't in control over himself; all he could hear was the faint echoing voice of Illumi telling him to run away.

"But above all," she began, gazing down at Killua with eyes that were brimming with happiness over seeing him in such a predicament. Leaning into his ear she whispered, "you're so easy to manipulate."

A second had passed before Sachiko uttered, "what?" as she looked towards the ground at her foot that was standing on Killua's shadow. "Why isn't it working?" She asked herself, getting aggravated as she repeatedly slammed her foot into the ground until a rock crumbled underneath her. Quickly she lunged forwards and looked him in the eyes before scanning him all over.

"Shit, why does she have to look like Usagi?" Killua asked himself internally as he noticed the little details on Sachiko's face that almost perfectly mirrored Usagi.

Suddenly Sachiko stopped eyeing him once she took a good long look at his forehead before snickering to herself. "So that's why it didn't work," Sachiko mumbled, half to herself.

Before she could say anything else, Killua took the chance to kick up from his position under her, jamming his foot into her lower stomach. She stumbled backwards a few steps as Killua jumped out from under her.

The fight having resumed, the two continued to attack each other until both parties were equally winded. Eventually their fight was over, both unable to stand.

The One Thing I Can't Fight  (Killua X OC)Where stories live. Discover now