Problems X At The X Last Phase

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The two stayed in the tree for the entire week, living off of what Usagi had in her bag, because you can find anything in there. When the week was up, the two got out of the tree and ran to the boat. They met up with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.

"Hi, Kurapikaaaaa!!" Usagi called, running to her cousin. She hugged him, and he patted her head.

"Great! You passed this phase," He exclaimed, smiling at her. She smiled back, and broke away from him.

She looked at Leorio. "I see you passed, too," Usagi stated, a neutral expression on her face.

"Tch! I see you did as well!" He retorted.

Once off the island and at the last phase, the remaining ten applicants went to go see Netero, because he wanted to speak to everyone. He said that the last phase would be a tournament and told the rules.

Usagi had been standing in between Killua and Kurapika. She leaned to Killua and whispered to him. "If I surrender my first match, we'll have to fight," was what she said.


"And I think that would be an interesting fight!" She said with a smile. He smiled back.


Before they knew it Gon was fighting Honzu. Usagi looked over at both her friends nervously. "This is insane! I can barely watch!" She thought as Gon was being beat up by Honzu. She looked over at Killua, who looked sad, or just very deep in thought. "Something's wrong with Killua, I know it..." She added.

Usagi walked a little closer so they could talk. "What's wrong?" Usagi questioned. He didn't answer. "C'mon! Friends tell each other everything!" She prodded. He looked over at her.

"Sorry, I can't say," was all he said. She didn't move away, instead she just stayed there, looking at him.

"Why not," She asked, glaring at him. He looked over at her.

"Because... I don't want to sound bad," He stated. Usagi eased up a little and looked at him curiously.

"Y'know I'd never think you're a bad person. No matter what!" She said, smiling. "Remember that," She finished, walking back over to Kurapika and Leorio. He watched her every step, then stared at the floor again.

Afterwards, Gon won because Honzu surrendered. He then fainted.

The rest of the fights went on as usual. Kurapika fought Hisoka and won, and afterwards Usagi fought Honzu and surrendered, mainly because she wanted to fight Killua later. Hisoka fought Bodoro and won.

The next round was Usagi against Killua. The two stood there, glaring at each other. "Oi, Killua! Let's both just try our best, okay?" She said, giving him a thumbs up that he didn't respond to. Her smile faded slightly at that.

The referee started the match. Immediately Usagi was running towards him with a blast of wind behind her. Killua came forward, slowly. Usagi was planing on kicking him in the side so that he'd fall, but he grabbed her ankle and twisted her around with it and made her fall. She got back up. This time she tried punching him, which he dodged. And again. And again. And again.

"Why won't you fight?" Usagi asked heavily, a bit of hurt in her voice.

"Because I don't want to," He said, a weird look in his eye. Usagi stared him down.

The One Thing I Can't Fight  (Killua X OC)Where stories live. Discover now