Killua X And X Usagi

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The three sat on Usagi's bed, thinking about what she had told them. "Do you think maybe she hit you knowing you'd remember something?" Killua suggested after a moment of silence.

Usagi thought for a moment before answering. "It's a possibility," She said, shrugging.

"Should we ask Wing?" Gon added.

The other two thought for a second. "No, I think we're fine. We know that Sachiko punched me after saying she could tell me what I wanted to know, so that probably means she knew it would cause some memories to come back," Usagi explained.

Gon nodded in agreement. "Now we just have to find out what they were trying to do."

"We already know that," Killua spoke up. Gon and Usagi looked at him with shocked expressions.

"You don't remember?" Killua asked. The other two shook their heads. Killua sighed before raising a finger and continuing,"Wing suggested it after Usagi's aura nodes were opened. I guess that's why you don't remember, Usagi, because you had already passed out. Anyways, Wing suggested that maybe when you were younger someone tried to permanently seal you aura nodes closed, which is why your Nen spiked up so much. It also fits in with why you can barely remember anything after the age of seven; I'm guessing the process gave you some memory loss."

Usagi and Gon nodded in understanding. "That also fits in with what I did hear. They said for someone to make me unable to use Nen again, but I don't know who it was... Do you think it's because they failed that my nodes were able to be opened?" Usagi asked.

"Probably," Gon said. "Well, changing topics here, what do you two think we should do? There's a little over a month until the YorkNew City Aution, and I doubt Usagi wants to stay at Heavens Arena."

Killua and Usagi thought about the question, but couldn't think of anything.

"How about we go to Whale Island!" Gon suggested excitedly. Usagi and Killua looked surprised but then happy as they agreed that it was an awesome idea.

"Let's leave immediately!" Gon said, hyped over the fact that he would get to see Mito-San again. They agreed and collected their things so they could leave.

After leaving Heavens Arena they got on a boat that would take them to Whale Island. The three got on excitedly looked over the side of the boat as they started to sail to Whale Island. After a while of exploring the boat they all climbed up to the top of one of the sails and watched as they got closer to Whale Island.

"So this is where you grew up, Gon?" Killua asked, his eyes wide.

Gon nodded and smiled at the sight.

"It's really pretty! I can't wait to meet Mito-San!" Usagi stated, her voice filled with glee.

The boat pulled into port, and the group of Killua, Gon, and Usagi jumped off excitedly.

"Y'know, we've been so busy at the Hunter Exam, getting you, Killua, and training that we haven't really had a chance to just relax," Usagi stated, her hands behind her head leisurely.

Gon and Killua nodded in agreement as they began walking up a hill. "It's right up here, on too of the hill," Gon said to his friends before running up the trail.

"Mito-San!!!!" Gon called as he ran up the hill.

Usagi looked a little surprised as Gon bolted up the hill without a warning, but she softly smiled a moment later. She looked over to her left to see Killua, but her smile faded when she saw he looked a little depressed.

"Killua, are you okay?" Usagi quietly asked. Killua shrugged before nodding.

"Yeah, everything's fine," He replied. The two continued walking up the hill, and when they reached the top Mito-San said, "Gon, they must be Usagi and Killua, right?" Gon nodded in reply. "Hello Usagi and Killua," She said to them as she smiled.

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