The Great X Tickle War

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While Killua and Usagi were on the cliff hugging, Gon was still back at the house, even though it had been close to fifteen minutes.

"Should we go check up on him?" Killua asked Usagi, still not separating from their embrace.

Usagi thought for a moment. "Sure, it's getting a little late anyway."

With that, the two separated and walked off, but as they were walking Usagi grabbed Killua's hand and grasped it in her own with a soft grip. Killua tensed up at the foreign feeling, but he didn't fight it and actually enjoyed it. He was still a little embarrassed though.

"What's with the holding hands thing?" Killua asked, his face tinted pink.

Usagi smirked. "Now that you've confessed I've gotta make sure no one steals you from me. And if anyone tries I'll go all yandere on those fools like they've never seen. Because-" Usagi rested her head on his shoulder and clung to his arm, "-I'm really happy that you like me, and that you're one of the few people who don't treat me like garbage. You were the one who showed me that life is worth living, and I'm not just going to let someone take you away."

Killua considered this before saying, "I'm just happy the feelings are mutual."

The two walked towards the house, and once they were inside they had forgotten that they were holding hands. Since Mito-San was talking to Gon she couldn't say anything about it, but as they walked by towards the stairs leading to Gon's room, she smirked and glanced at their hands and then back at them. The two saw, and were a little flustered, but they kept on walking.

Once upstairs Killua and Usagi prepared the beds they would sleep on. Since they only had one spare and Gon insisted that he used it, Killua and Usagi were going to share Gon's bed. Because Gon was taking a long time to come upstairs and Killua and Usagi were tired, they decided to just go to bed.

They jumped onto the bed and got under the covers, Usagi near the edge and Killua next to the wall. Usagi hugged Killua tightly before going to her side and falling asleep. It wasn't that easy for Killua to fall asleep though. He kept thinking about what had happened between him and Usagi and if it was right that he had told her. As if he could've told her in a better way...

And with those thoughts Killua drifted off to sleep.

Then morning came.

"UUUWWAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Usagi shrieked as Killua kicked her off the side of the bed and onto the floor with a thud. "Excellent way to wake someone up..." Usagi thought sarcastically as an irk mark appeared and twitched on her forehead.

Usagi jumped up and stood on the bed in front of Killua. "Killua!!" She yelled down at him with her hands on her hips. He didn't respond. "Aww he's sleeping," She said cutely.

Then she began kicking him into the side of the wall repeatedly while screaming, "WAKE UUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!"

Killua's eyes flashed open after the first few kicks. "AAGHHH USAGI!!!"

"HOW DOES THAT FEEL?!?! GOOD???!! LETS FIX THAT!!!" She yelled as she kicked him harder.

Once Killua had enough of her kicking him he spun around so he no longer had his back directed at her, grabbed her ankles, and pulled her so she fell over. Once she had fallen Killua got on top of her and pinned her down.

"Do you really think that will stop me!?" Usagi yelled, smiling because now it was playful.

"No, but this might," Killua stated before showing quite possibly the sexiest look ever. (A/N NOW THAT KILLAGI IS OFFICIAL I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT. YOURE WELCOME. XD)

Usagi immediately turned a bright red and thought she was about to have a nosebleed, of even a heart attack. Then she smirked at his opening and pulled her hands out of his grip and began the most brutal tickle war ever.

Killua immediately wiped that beautiful smirk off his face and began laughing like a Fangirl on drugs. Usagi continued, that is before Killua began tickling her. Then it was Usagi's turn to laugh like a drugged up Fangirl.

The fun ended however when Mito-San called them downstairs for breakfast. The two awkwardly got up and began walking downstairs. As they walked Usagi had a nice idea. "Let's see how long we can keep up a tickle war without people catching on."

Usagi held her hand out and poked him in the side. He twitched and stifled a giggle before poking Usagi. The two kept poking each other when people's backs were turned, but when Mito-San saw them she immediately knew they were up to something, and tried to suppress the inner fan woman and said nothing about their relationship.

Once they started eating the war between them became even more difficult to hide. The fight was held under the table, and mainly consisted of either poking or kicking each other's legs. The hard part was still keeping up with the conversation while "fighting" under the table.

Once the meal was over Killua and Usagi got up and carried their plates to the sink. Afterwards as they walked behind Gon heading back upstairs, Killua took the tickle war to the next level and slapped Usagi's ass playfully, followed by him whispering, "spanked you!" In her ear. Usagi wanted playful revenge, but honestly didn't mind him doing that.

To counter, she clenched her fist and swiftly whammed it right between his legs. Usagi saw him puff out his cheeks while almost doubling over while trying not to say anything as she whispered, "Crotch shot!" To him as they walked. Usagi placed her hand on his back and patted him saying, "you gave it your best, but I'm too fantastic."

Killua didn't want anything other than to get Usagi back for that by doing another attack like that but on her chest area, but he restarained... somehow.

As they walked into Gon's room he held out a small box and said it was from his dad, but that he had no idea how to open it.

"I guess it's time to be serious..." Usagi and Killua both thought before sitting in the floor next to Gon and the mysterious black box.


Hey you guys :3

Sorry about this chapter being a little short, and not publishing in a while. To be honest I wanted to keep this scene and the one where they open the box in separate chapters XD

Tbh I haven't updated all weekend because I've been binge watching HxH with my little bro XD

I've trained him well :'3 my goal is to make him a fanboy

In fact, I've done so well that he wanted some fictional character to be obsessed with just like I'm obsessed with Killua XDDDDDD

He chose Ponzu X3 it's kinda cute actually

So now, anytime Killua is on screen I'm like OH MY GOOOOOOON

And when Ponzu is on screen he's like SHES SO CUUUUUUUTE

:'3 I have done well

We even binge watched HxH for five hour straight today XD it was only causal watching though Lol we've done more intensive watching lol

Well, that's all :3 I'll try to update again soon :3



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