Second X Part X of X Phase X One

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The group of three became fast friends. They barely even realized that they had been running for four hours. Usagi had always had a hard time running long distances and would sometimes slow down, often getting her made fun of at places like school. But when she slowed down around them, they slowed down too so they didn't leave her behind.

"Damn, I really don't like skirts..." She complained half to herself as she pressed the skirt with her hands. "It'd be so much easier to run in shorts like you two," She stated, now talking directly to them.

"If you don't like them that much, then why did you wear one?" Killua questioned.

"Because my mom would like this," She stated, her expression neutral, though it appeared she was hiding something. Killua and Gon exchanged glances and shrugged. They continued running. In no time at all they saw stairs.

"I-is that the exit?!" Usagi asked, excitedly, breathing heavily from exhaustion, though she refused to give up. They all smiled.

"Let's see who can get there first!" Gon suggested, happily.

"A race?" Asked Killua, exchanging glances with the two.

"You guys are on!" Usagi shouted, sprinting. Killua and Gon sprinted after her. They bolted up the stairs to the door that led outside. The three ran, and crossed through the exit. They were exhausted and took a second to rest.

As they were briefly resting Satotz explained that they were only halfway through and that they would follow him the rest of the way through the Swindlers' Swamp. As he was talking Leorio and Kurapika went over to Usagi, Killua, and Gon.

Once Satotz finished talking Kurapika said,"Let's stick together for this part. Oh, and good job for making it." He smiled at Usagi, who smiled back.

"At least you're nice," Usagi stated, glaring at Leorio as she put emphasis in the 'you're'. He just glared back.

"Hey! What about us?" Gon asked, pointing at himself and Killua. She smiled and walked behind the two. Then she put her arms around each of their shoulders and stood in between them.

"... Not to mention you two are now my friends wether you like it or not!" She said. The three just started laughing.

But they quickly stopped when someone named Hisoka tried to kill Satotz to see if he was the real examiner. He was and Hisoka almost got into some trouble. The three stared.

"We should probably stay away from him..." Leorio muttered.

"Well naw dibb, Sherlock!" Usagi hissed. The two glared at each other.

"Will you two stop fighting for at least this part of the exam?!" Kurapika half asked half demanded of them as he stepped in between them. Killua and Gon just sighed.

When that phase of the exam began, the five ran into the swamp, making sure to follow the group. They could hear a lot of people getting hurt and collapsing, but they didn't.

There was an ominous fog covering the swamp. Suddenly, Usagi realized something. Gon was walking next to Killua who was next to Usagi who was next to Kurapika who was next to Leorio. As she was walking, her hand would occasionally brush up against Killua or Kurapika's. She realized she hadn't felt Kurapika's hand in over a few minutes. She turned to her right, and Kurapika and Leorio were gone.

"Kurapika?! Leorio?!" She called, completely stopping and turning partway now. Gon and Killua stopped and looked over.

"They're gone!" Gon stated, eyes searching through the trees. He couldn't find them.

"... They'll be fine. Let's keep going," Killua said, turning back around. Usagi and Gon exchanged glances before walking back up to Killua.

The three kept walking for a while. Gon started walking in front of them not long after. Their walk was fine until they accidentally fell in a hole that got them inside a giant frog!

"GROSS! Ewewewewew!!!" Usagi shrieked, punching the inside of the frog over and over. "I like frogs but that's when they're in my hand!!" She finished yelling. Killua and Gon were also kicking and punching the frog's slimy inside.

"Well, I never thought I'd say I've been in a frog before," Gon joked. Killua and Usagi snickered. Just then, the frog spat them back out and onto the forest floor.

"Ack!" Usagi let out as she landed with a thud. "Well, thanks for spitting us out..." She started sarcastically,"BUT THAT'S SO INSULTING I'M SURE I TASTE DELICIOUS!!!" Usagi finished. Her fist was balled as she waved it in the air.

"I guess we didn't taste good," Gon said earning himself a light glare from Usagi. 

"No, it's not that. It was this that got us out," Killua stated matter-of-factly as he held up an opened can. Usagi recognized it immediately as the can of laxatives Tonpa tried to give her several hours ago.

"Pretty good thinking," She complemented with a smile. He smiled back. Gon looked from one to the other, beaming. "What are you smiling at, Gon?" Usagi asked.

"Noooothing," He lied, standing up. Usagi and Killua got up as well and they continued walking. After not long at all, Usagi and Killua noticed Gon had disappeared too.

"Where do you think he went?" Usagi asked. Killua shrugged.

"Probably to look for Kurapika and Leorio. I'm sure they'll be fine," Killua reassured. Usagi nodded. "Hey, can I ask you something?" He said, breaking the silence.

She turned her head towards him, shrugging. "Depends," She stated.

"Your personality doesn't match your appearance at all. Why is that?" He questioned. Usagi looked a little confused.

"Whaddya mean?" She prodded, kicking a rock that was in front of her.

"I mean... Your personality is all 'I'm quiet' to people you don't know, 'I'm really loud' to people you do know, and 'Don't even breathe in my direction' for Leorio. I still don't know what you do to people that want to fight," He said, looking up. "But your appearance is all girly like you're the kind of girl who likes girly things, when you're really a tomboy who likes to fight and hang out with guys. See what I mean? I don't get that," He finished.

Usagi stared at the ground. She didn't like this question because she had never thought about it too much herself so she didn't have a straight answer. "... I don't really have a good answer to that one..." She said as an excuse to not answer. Killua looked her up and down. She blushed at the attention.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"Body language. It's very helpful to me. I can tell you're lying," He stated. Usagi's eyes widened. She looked at him, and this time looked him up and down, debating. She pursed her lips together.

"I don't know if I'm ready to tell you yet..." She decided, relaxing her gaze and letting it rest lazily on the ground. "...Sorry..." She added, and she actually meant it.

"Okay. I understand," He said. By then they were caught up with the rest of the group.

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